• Got this message on my dashboard after updating to WP 3.8:

    “The qTranslate Editor has disabled itself because it hasn’t been tested with your WordPress version yet. This is done to prevent WordPress from malfunctioning. You can reenable it by clicking here (may cause data loss! Use at own risk!). To remove this message permanently, please update qTranslate to the corresponding version.”

    When will the qTranslate update for WP 3.8 be available? Is Version 2.5.38 tested on WP 3.8 yet?


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  • I’ve found a workaround for my problem (where Russian wouldn’t show ok on the administrative pages, since the Cyrillic part of Open Sans wasn’t loaded.
    I added a plugin “Disable Google Fonts”, and this made it work for me. Now I can see Russian text in the administrative part again. (In a fully Russian installation, all works fine, but when I mix several languages, and don’t want Russian to be the main language, I needed to solve the problem that not all needed parts of the Google font were loaded.

    Another quick way to do the version hack would be to dynamically add the current version into the plugin.

    qtranslate.php line 91(ish)

    define(‘QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION’, get_bloginfo(‘version’));

    Thanks to everybody, in my case, it’s works. But I’m still worried about future upgrades, the most correct solution to this topic is following the author upgradings who will appear alongside with versions of wordpress. In my experience, for every WP update, qTranslate takes roughly a month to post their version of the plugin. For WP 3.8, is more than two months without changes plugin.

    felix007’s suggestion worked for me for a week, but now all of a sudden I get the same error again.

    Your site has probably automatically updated to wordpress version 3.8.1
    Therefore you now need to once again tell qtranslate that it works fine with this version of wordpress.
    I.e. update supported version to the string 3.8.1

    Good news – Qian Qin has FINALLY submitted an update to SVN/Trac to change the version number.

    Version: 2.5.38
    	Version: 2.5.39b 
     	define('QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION', '3.7.1');
     	define('QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION', '3.8.1');

    Sadly, that appears to be the only issue addressed. And we still have to wait for it to go live.

    Don’t worry about automatic updates!

    define('QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION', get_bloginfo('version'));

    summit – you can make the change yourself, just edit the qtranslate file.

    Now that wordpress may update automatically within a major release, it would be better to change the logics a little bit.

    I wouldn’t expect big changes in wordpress behaviour between maintenance updates, so it should be rather safe to change the logics in
    qtranslate_wphacks.php:54, which currently reads:
    if($GLOBALS['wp_version'] != QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION) {

    and instead use the function startsWith, and then enter only the main version number (3.8, for example) in QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION.
    something like:
    if(startsWith($GLOBALS['wp_version'], QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION)) = FALSE {

    Dislaimer: I don’t have too big experience in writing php, so my suggestion may be flawed or not the most efficient one.

    This way, one would need to update QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION only for main version number changes, like 3.7 3.8 etc.

    I could, but I do not want to have to take on the responsibility of merging updates on the rare occasions when Qian Qin actually fixes bugs.

    AND I doubt that most of the million plus people who have downloaded this plugin do either. Some of them probably cannot.

    The real solution is for some fine people, perhaps like yourself, to be allowed to help Qian Qin.

    Hi All

    This type problem come this is best way to solved the problem
    Simple go to qtranslator plugin and open qtranslate.php
    and replace the code line number 90.

    define(‘QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION’, get_bloginfo(‘version’));

    Vikas kumar

    Vika… Look above 2 comments

    tobifjellner.. startsWith() is not a built in PHP function and pretty sure it is not a WordPress function

    abda53: Thanks for the information. I found a description of that function somewhere on the net, but didn’t try it.
    A native function seems to be substr_compare($GLOBALS[‘wp_version’], QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION, 0, strlen(QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION))!===0

    Again, didn’t test this… ??



    I get the same message as mentioned above (qTranslated deactivated itself..), working on WP 3.8.1 and qTranslate 2.5.39. The line in the qtranslate-file says: “define(‘QT_SUPPORTED_WP_VERSION’, ‘3.8.1’);”, but I still get that message. Any suggestions here? I must say that I am not an experienced developer.

    Thanks felix007 it works. ??

    @tee2view, i made a change based on @felix007.
    I put 3.9 instead of 3.8.1.

    The translation and the plugin works but you won’t be able to use the visual editor but text section works.

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