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  • Plugin Author Eli


    The definitions are stored in the wp_options table of your WordPress database where the option_name is GOTMLS_definitions_array.

    Thread Starter mybeshoo


    Oh thank you , i wonder if we can use this definitions with clamscan antivirus !

    can we ?

    Plugin Author Eli


    I don’t know anything about clamscan antivirus but I can’t imagine how my definitions would be compatible with another program.

    Thread Starter mybeshoo


    Easy .
    and i test one of your rules and BOOM it worked .

    Let me show you how ,
    first of all , clamscan is a Linux anti Virus , Very FAST more than your plug in.
    If you dont know about ” clamscan ” please google it.

    Now , clamscan support Regex definitions , as yours
    lamscan use

    eg :

    rule iframe_ru


    <code>$re1 = /(document\.write\(|echo )['&quot;]<iframe .+\.ru\/.+<\/iframe></code>['"][ \);]+/


    and we save the file in clamscan folder :
    as sing.yar

    and test , the report will be some thing like :

    ./test.html: YARA.iframe_ru.UNOFFICIAL FOUND

    ———– SCAN SUMMARY ———–
    Known viruses: 4130714
    Engine version: 0.99
    Scanned directories: 0
    Scanned files: 1
    Infected files: 1
    Data scanned: 0.00 MB
    Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1)
    Time: 16.424 sec (0 m 16 s)

    if you like i can work with you on this so you can offer your user an easy / FAST way to scan the server if thy have SSH .

    Thread Starter mybeshoo


    yes it support please read here :

    Thread Starter mybeshoo


    if you like we can work together to make a set of your rules to be add to clamscan anti virus so user can scan there files via SSH which is more vast than any thing , more over thay can prevent UPLOAD if file is infected

    Please Read my post here to get general idea how to make clamscan rules !

    PTW how can i convert your GOTMLS_definitions_array to php array !

    Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter mybeshoo


    As i can see in your definitions there is a “known” , “Backdoor” & “htaccess” categories .

    I am working on convert them to YARA format.
    So please just gide me , what is the correct definitions category to prevent ?
    dos “known” mean potential but not a backdoor ?

    Please Advice

    Plugin Author Eli


    “known” , “Backdoor” , and “htaccess” are all good categories to scan for but don’t scan for “potential”.

    Thread Starter mybeshoo


    you have an error with this REGEX . please review it @


    Plugin Author Eli


    Thanks for catching that! Somehow the right definition got doubled inside an older version of itself. I have just updated the definition with an update that fixes this. Here is the corrected REGEX if you want to use it in place of that bad one:


    Thread Starter mybeshoo


    Thank you but you need to review all of your Regex , here is a new one

    [if defined define function global eval Variable Function] => Array

    /if[\(\s]+\!defined\([^\)]+[\)\s\{]+define\([^\)]+[\)\s;]+function[^\(]*\([^\)]*[\)\s\{]+global (\$[^;]+);.+?eval\(\1(\[[^\]]+\])?\s*\([^\)]*[\)\s]+;(\s*return[^;]*;/i

    Thread Starter mybeshoo


    BTW may i have a direct URL to your definitions on your website ??
    my email is beshoo [at] gmail dot com

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