Thank you. I found the placeholder I was looking for in events-manager/classes/em-event.php.
I would like to make a custom placeholder based on #_EVENTDATES which would be exactly the same as #_EVENTDATES but 22 days before the start date. This is the code for #_EVENTDATES:
case '#_EVENTDATES':
//get format of time to show
$replace = $this->output_dates();
Could I do something like this?
//get format of time to show
$replace = $this->date_add(output_dates(),date_interval_create_from_date_string("-22 days"));
Also, I read the documentation on creating a custom placeholder, and also on where to add PHP code to WordPress, but these placeholders seem to depend on so much else around them that I don’t understand how to do it.
This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by