• Saurus


    Just went to my blog just now to check things and decided to take a look at another theme I just added – Ocadia. When I clicked on “select” from the management panel, I got this:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add_theme_page() in /homepages/15/d90792218/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/themes/ocadia/themetoolkit.php on line 84

    Now I can’t do anything or get back to my original theme! Everything I try to do that error pops up.

    Any suggestions? Or do I have to delete all this and start over?

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  • Chris_K


    What happens if you delete that theme folder?

    Thread Starter Saurus


    I tried that. I don’t get anything at all at my url. Tried putting it back by ftp and I get the same error when I try the admin panel.

    It appears Ocadia partly launched itself and is now stuck as my selected theme – but it isn’t displaying properly. I can’t access the admins panel because I get that error. I can’t do ANYTHING, now.

    This really sticks in my craw because this was one of the “award” winners for wordpress themes. I have to wonder if anyone actually tested it online! It’s the only theme I have that has that folder in it to begin with. have to wonder WHY it needs it when others don’t. Pure garbage – winner or not.

    I don’t see as I have any choice but to completely wipe out the entire wordpress folder and consider if I want to use this software again.

    All that work, all those posts down the damned drain.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    If you remove the theme, then it should revert back to whatever theme is in the “default” directory.

    Thread Starter Saurus


    Except it DIDN’T, as I said. The page is totally BLANK after I tried it.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    If you still can’t get it to work, load up your database in phpMyAdmin. Look in the options table for two rows. They’ll have option_name’s of “template” and “stylesheet” and their option_value’s will be the name of your currently active theme. Change those, and you change the active theme.

    Another option would be to simply copy the default theme into the directory of your broken theme, so that it replaces it.

    Also, if you’re getting that particular error in the first place, it’s likely that your WordPress installation is broken to begin with. “add_theme_page()” is a perfectly valid function name which you are appearantly missing in your copy of WordPress. You can’t blame the theme for not working when the error shows that it’s your blog itself that’s broken.

    Thread Starter Saurus


    I don’t have phpMyAdmin and wouldn’t know how to use it anyway, so that option is out.

    I guess I can try the second option and see. I’m just disgusted with this.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    I’m just disgusted with this.

    Again, don’t blame the theme. Your copy of WordPress is clearly what has the problem. I suspect that you are missing files in the wp-admin folder or have a bad upgrade situation.

    Thread Starter Saurus


    I don’t see where anything BUT the theme is to blame – I had absolutely no trouble for months before this. How my copy of wordpress could be a problem is beyond me – no problems before, and it’s not an upgrade – it was a clean install.

    Thread Starter Saurus


    The php file “themetoolkit.php” is not in any other theme I have installed. I have 5 theme folders and was using “wuhan” until I tried that ocadia theme. Worked perfectly even after adding my own title graphic to the imahes folders.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    The names of php files are not fixed. There are only a few special names, a theme can include any php files it likes.

    However, you’re getting this error:
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add_theme_page()...

    add_theme_page() is not an undefined function. In version 2.1.2 of WordPress, it is located in wp-admin/admin-functions.php. It may be in other files in older versions. What version of WordPress do you have? Perhaps you need to upgrade to use this theme?

    But nevertheless, that function should exist, and so if it’s not there, that’s a problem with the WordPress installation, not with the theme.

    Thread Starter Saurus


    All of which means nothing to me right now, since I can’t do anything with the package. I can’t even update because I can’t access the admin panel to deactivate plug-ins. I don’t have phpMyAdmin (and don’t know how to use it anyway) so I can’t backup what is already on the site for the upgrade.

    And to reiterate … all other themes have worked just fine while testing – so how there can be a problem now with that one theme doesn’t make any sense. If it was a problem with wordpress – why just with this theme and not before.

    I don’t see any way but to trash the whole thing and find another software package.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    I don’t see any way but to trash the whole thing and find another software package.

    Then do so. I’ve tried to help, but if all I’m going to get is sarcasm and pointless posturing, please, by all means, use another software package.

    When you’re ready to accept assistance, this forum will still be here.

    Thread Starter Saurus


    You have tried to help, how? Every point you have made I told you I have tried without success. Sarcasm? How? I also told you, twice, that I have had no problems with any of the other themes I have installed and have tried. Not a single one has caused a problem except Ocadia. Not one. Yet you insist my installation is corrupt.

    You told me that if I removed the Ocadia theme it should go back to the default theme. It did not.

    You told me that add_theme is a valid file. So what? THAT theme does not work – nor does it let me get into the admin panel to change it.

    I cannot update, because I can’t access the admin panel to disable plug-ins.

    I can’t do anything with it, so how is it “posturing” if I see no way but to delete the entire thing.

    It matters not, now – it’s gone.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Not a single one has caused a problem except Ocadia. Not one. Yet you insist my installation is corrupt.

    Yes, I do. I am also correct.

    Let me put it to you this way: I know more about WordPress than you do. That’s why I am the one who was trying to help you. And if you’re not going to believe what I tell you, then there’s little point in me telling you anything, no?

    if I see no way but to delete the entire thing.

    I tried to explain to you exactly how to do it, and then you talk about not seeing any way but to delete things. Not particularly helpful.

    Thread Starter Saurus


    And if you’re not going to believe what I tell you, then there’s little point in me telling you anything, no?

    Did you NOT read what I just said? That each thing you recommended had no affect? If you’re not going to read what I say, there is little point in telling YOU anything, no?

    I tried to explain to you exactly how to do it, and then you talk about not seeing any way but to delete things. Not particularly helpful.

    You did? You said it was my installation. I said it worked for everything but Ocadia. You said remove Ocadia and it would default to the standard theme. I did – it did not.

    With me so far? What have I not done that you suggested?

    You said backup everything with phpMyAdmin. I said I don’t have it and didn’t know how to use it anyway. Excuse me for not being a php programmer like you.

    You said add_theme is a valid file. I said so what – the theme is borked – valid or not. And what’s more it wrapped up things so tight I couldn’t do anything to try and fix it.

    The only thing I didn’t try was overwriting Ocadia theme with the default theme. Okay – you got me, I surrender. Of course one has files the other did not, so forgive me for not wanting to even attempt that feat.

    I don’t doubt that you know more about wordpress than me. Big deal – I’ve been using it for less than a month – a monkey could make that statement. What I do know is there was no suggestion likely to help when I had no access to the admin panel to even try.

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