• This is super basic.

    Where do I find the CSS files for the Evolve theme? I’d like to edit portions of the CSS – colours/fonts of templates – and am at a loss as to how to begin this process. Any help would be appreciated.

    I have basic html knowledge, but don’t know where to access the theme’s template. Under ‘Editor’ I can’t find any code resembling the features I’d like to edit.

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  • Go to the bottom of the edit page and it is most likely the style.css file.

    all themes have style.css available in the editor

    But, many have additional css files in a subfolder, which cannot be accessed through the editor

    You would need to use ftp, or a file manager to access them on the server

    If you look in the style.css sheet that appears in the editor there is the following line:

    /* Apply base theme styles and colors */
    @import url( ‘library/media/css/base.css’ );

    Use ftp to go to the theme folder on your server and find ‘library/media/css/base.css’ it is all there and I guess needs to be downloaded, edited and then uploaded again.

    I’ve been using the evolve theme for a while now however I am unable to remove any of the bullet points from the sidebars, these appear next to page items, categories and menu items…

    As the previous poster mentioned there is very little in the style.css sheet as it references base.css, however I cannot find any relevant code referenced in there, I have also tried removing the base.css file and the bullet points remain (So I assume it’s not within that file).

    I have googled this and tried adding so many suggestions within the style.css file but nothing seems to get rid of them…

    Help please!


    you would need to post a link to your site to get useful suggestions on how to remove the bullets.

    general, i would assume, that you would try and identify the styles that are creating the bulltes, of if these are default css, then at least to identify the css selectors for th esidebar items; then add corresponding styles to style.css of that theme to remove/chang ethe bullets.

    Thank you for the prompt reply, my site: https://www.midlandsfootball.co.uk/

    I have searched high and low for what style creates the bullet points but getting nowhere, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    How did you make that kind of roll down list?
    it is not evolve code.
    and the usual evolve list are nicer with bullets…..


    The rolldown list is the ‘jQuery Vertical Accordion Menu’ plugin however I notice the bullets are throughout all lists therefore I didn’t think it was anything to do with the plugin.

    Line 359 in base.css may resolve this.
    Comment this out or change the image to a blank image

    if with ‘buletpoints’ you mean the arrow:
    this is part of the jquery accordion styles:

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