• I am new to WP so not aware of how this works.

    I installed a theme on my page and the theme comes with a contact form. the theme has a ‘Email Address for Contact Form’ field where i have specified my email address for receiving contact emails. when i try to test this i always get ‘Your email failed. Try again later.’

    I also created a separate contact form using the contact template separately from the theme above but there also i get the same error ‘Your email failed. Try again later.’

    I’m wondering where do we specify the POP mail server settings for the contact form to work? I saw a ‘Post via e-mail’ option under Settings->Writing where it asks for mail server, mail id and password.

    I’m not sure why we need a id and password here if this is the place where we specify the POP mail server name for email transmissions.


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  • My guess would be either the theme options page (if there is one) under Appearance > Yourtheme Options or the email address for your user account (you can change this at Users > Your Profile).

    If you can’t get the built-in contact form to work, consider using a contact form plugin such as Contact Form 7.

    Thread Starter rmgallery


    i have a options page for my theme and i have entered an email address (not the POP server name) there but still get the same error there as well as on the custom contact form i created.

    Just as an FYI, my site is still running locally on my local web server and its not yet on the internet. Not sure if that matters.

    I’m sorry; you mentioned that in your first post and I missed it.

    What theme are you using? If you’ve filled out your email address in the theme options page and it’s still not working, it could be a problem with the theme itself. Running your site locally might have something to do with it, but I can’t say for sure.

    The “post by email” settings are something completely different. Those are for creating blog posts by emailing them to a “secret email address” from which WP posts them to your site.

    Thread Starter rmgallery


    i doubt it has something to do with my theme as the custom contact page I created using the contact template also gives me the same error. i am using the ‘boldy’ theme https://wordpress.site5.net/boldy/

    I believe WP uses php mail. So it would be dependent on your host

    Running locally, do you have a mailserver set up?

    When I set up a wamp server, I had to set up to sent my emails through gmail from my localhost

    Thread Starter rmgallery


    my local server is apache. where do i configure the mail server?

    You have to install one…. depending on what you set up, you may or may not have one….

    I used wampserver, it didn’t have one, due to security implications, spam, etc.

    I configured to send using gmail….

    checkout the last post here https://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=205062.0

    maybe…. otherwise google for something like apache localhost send mail

    Thread Starter rmgallery


    i tried this but does not seem to work. see my settings below from php.ini file. Btw, i tried both port 25 and 995 and both don’t work.

    [mail function]
    ; For Win32 only.
    ; https://php.net/smtp
    ;SMTP = localhost
    SMTP = smtp.gmail.com
    ; https://php.net/smtp-port
    smtp_port = 25
    ;smtp_port = 995

    ; For Win32 only.
    ; https://php.net/sendmail-from
    ;sendmail_from = [email protected]
    sendmail_from = [email protected]

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