Hi @edgarl,
the redirects in Permalink Manager Lite are not stored anywhere. The native permalinks (used when the plugin is disabled) are redirected to the new custom permalinks.
When the post or page is detected and the requested URL differs from the new custom permalink, Permalink Manager will automatically redirect the visitor to the correct permalink (the redirects are dynamic and they are not based on .htaccess redirects, but wp_safe_redirect() function). You can check the old permalink address for each of pages/posts in Permalink Manager box (see screenshot below).

Currently there is no possibility to list all the native redirects. I will add this feature in 2.2 version (I need to make it compatible with custom redirects functionality available in Permalink Manager Pro).
Temporarily, before it is released, you can use this custom module I wrote:
- please copy the code from this snippet: https://gist.github.com/maciejbis/a58a18888ff7f34e3c1d4084c88482ce
- create a new single PHP file (eg. permalink-manager-redirects-table.php) in wp-content/plugins folder
- paste the copied code and save the file
- activate the plugins from WordPress ddmin dasbhoard
- then a new section will be added to “Permalink Manager –> Tools -> Redirects table”
Alternatively, you can paste the snippet to your theme’s functions.php file.
New section should look like this:

Best regards,