• Resolved johnywhy



    noob question, i’m developing a super-simple plugin, using the WORDPRESS PLUGIN BOILERPLATE GENERATOR https://wppb.me/

    i generated the zip file successfully, now just trying to figure out where to put the code. I checked this, but still confused.

    The code is very simple:

    function bp_redirect($user) {
        $redirect_url = 'https://www.mysite.com/yeah';
    add_action('bp_core_signup_user', 'bp_redirect', 100, 1);

    Does it go in activate_redirect_after_register, run_redirect_after_register, or someplace else?

    i’m guessing this part should go in the ‘activate’ function
    add_action(‘bp_core_signup_user’, ‘bp_redirect’, 100, 1);

    and everything should go in the ‘run’ section. Correct?


    also asked here:

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Your code goes on its own code page, named the same as your plugin’s name slug. This file also needs a specifically formatted comment header at the top of the page. One page plugins can go in the wp-content/plugins/ folder, but it’s better to have your own folder in plugins/. More information can be found in Writing a Plugin. I know you’ve seen this, if that page and my response here is not enough, what specifically are you still confused about?

    An example for a plugin called “My Plugin”: Create a new folder in plugins/ called my-plugin. Make a new code page in that new folder called my-plugin.php. That page must have a comment header as explained here: https://developer.www.ads-software.com/plugins/the-basics/header-requirements/
    Your plugin’s PHP code goes beneath the header comment. The plugin code so organized is loaded automatically (assuming the plugin has been activated on the plugins admin screen)

    General PHP coding tip: If the last code on your PHP page is PHP and not HTML, do not provide the usual closing ?> at the end of the code. Blank lines after the final ?> can cause strange “headers already sent” errors on your site. Blank lines without the final ?> are not a problem ??

    Maybe place it in theme’s functions.php?

    Thread Starter johnywhy


    thx for the detailed answer.

    resolved by making a simple, one file plugin, instead of using the boilerplate generator. everything goes in that file.

    instructions here:


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