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  • Plugin Author binarymoon


    Hi there – is your copy of WordPress up to date? If so then the customize menu should be there in the WordPress admin. Alternatively there should be a Customize link in the admin bar when you’re browsing your website.

    If you’re not up to date then it’s possible your site won’t support it – however the customizer has been available for a couple of years now so it should be available.



    Hi, Cking !
    It seems that you are using a static page as Home Page.
    To confirm and change, go to “Settings>Reading>. Here “Front page displays” should be “Your latest posts”. Now if you go to “Customize”, You will see “Front Page Categories”.

    I’m not using a static homepage, but the settings for this plugin are not showing up for me on the customizer page either. Any help would be much appreciated, running WP 4.5.2.



    Hi noyz319,
    As you can see, this plugin was compatible up to WP 4.4.3.
    Plugin has not been updated since last 5 months.
    So i had to move to another great plugin for same.
    Here is plugin link.
    Hope, it will work for you.

    Plugin Author binarymoon


    @ghulamjafar2 – Thanks for the advertising of another product. Not convinced it’s helping here though. The plugin works just fine with 4.5.whatever – not updating the plugin doesn’t mean it won’t work.

    @noyz319 – without getting access to your site I am not sure what to suggest. The link in the customizer should be ‘Front Page Categories’, which should open a panel with a list of categories that you can toggle on and off.



    BinaryMoon ! Thanks for guiding. I am sorry for hurting your product. I will maintain this rule in future on every help forum. I was not fully aware of this moral ground.
    Back to the problem.
    1.when static front page is selected, we can not see “Front Page Categories”.
    2.Customizer in WordPress Theme “hueman” does not seem compatible to your plugin.

    I attempted to use this plug-in, but if I have more than one category, the story does not appear on the front page. Also, if it is “Uncategorized”, it will show up on the main page, regardless of what is checked.

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