• Resolved Johnny Bravo


    asking for $27 for a ‘beginners guide to contact form 7’ is a bit cheeky when the accompanied documentation doesnt even show you the basics. i have had this problem with this bloody form since monday and im getting nowhere.

    where are u? i NEED your help, you have created this plugin so have some decency to advise the users a little bit. i have posted 5 times in this forum now and not getting anywhere.

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  • I’ve always thought takayukister did a reasonable job in supporting Contact Form 7.

    If you are getting the support you feel you require, might consider another contact form plugin.

    Thread Starter Johnny Bravo


    michael, i just cant seem to get through to him

    i have a problem with positioning using divs and CSS, amongst other things

    i am SOOOO frustrated right now.

    You could always try a free an alternative plugin or just write your own forms, you’d then save having to spend anything (just an observation).

    Is there something in particular in the instructions that you’re struggling with, then maybe you replicate a piece of it here, so someone here could attempt to explain the instructions for you?

    Thread Starter Johnny Bravo


    t310s_ YES , the particular things are this:

    1) i get a ‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria when i press submit, no email sent, no ‘status box’, no ‘spinning icon’ it goes straight to a blank page and gives the above message.

    2) at first, my form appeared centralised in one long line, not great for design so i needed it to be in two columns, to shorten the form’s overall height. i put <div align=”left”> and it moved everything to the left, but it’s still tooo long. i need it in two columns.

    3) how can i layout the form in two columns???

    MY LINK: https://www.artbyherbie.com/wptest/?page_id=51


    <div align="left">
    <p><strong>PROJECT DETAILS</strong>
    Which service do you need?
    [select* service multiple "Wall Art" "Canvas Art" "Graphic Design" "Design and Print" "Web Design" "Custom Clothing" "Project Management" "Other"]</p>
    [textarea Details 14x6]</p>
    <p>Estimated budget?
    [select Budget "Any" "I don't know" "Less than £200" "£200 to £500" "£500 to £1000" "£1000 to £2000" "More than £2000"]</p>
    <p><strong>YOUR DETAILS</strong>
    [text* name 30/]</p>
    [email* email-360 30/]</p>
    [text* telephone 30/]</p>
    <p>How shall I contact you?
    [radio Contact label_first "Phone" "Email"]</p>
    <p>Where did you hear about me?
    [select marketing "Social Network" "Google" "Newspaper" "Word of Mouth" "Other"]</p>
    <p>Subscribe to my monthly newsletter?
    [radio subscrbe "Yes" "No"]</p>
    <p>Type this code:[captchac captcha-44 size:m fg:#FFFFFF bg:#9400D3]
    [captchar captcha-44 4/4]</p>
    <p>[submit "Send"]</p>


    Also note I’ve deleted some of your duplicate postings and closed duplicate threads to keep the discussion focused in one place.


    Thread Starter Johnny Bravo



    From: [name] <[email-360]>
    Subject: [your-subject]
    Message Body:
    This mail is sent via contact form on www.artbyherbie.com https://www.artbyherbie.com/wptest
    Thread Starter Johnny Bravo


    MY MAIL:
    [email protected]
    [name] <[email-360]>

    ‘Use HTML content type’ = ‘CHECKED’

    Thread Starter Johnny Bravo


    ok, ive sorted the positioning using tables – now why the hell does the form not work????
    1 thing sorted, another 10000 to go

    Layout issues really are just down to you, and your given knowledge of positioning and styling elements (that’s a seperate, non-contact form 7 issue – and looks like you’ve got that sorted now).

    The documentation here looks sufficient in detailing how to use the plugin, i assume you purchased the iAssistant guide referenced on that page.

    Looks like your submission problem is covered in the FAQ though.

    See the section headed.

    I get emails containing codes such as [foobar]. What’s this? I want to see the user’s input.

    ..or if not that, then there’s a few other FAQ q/a’s there that might help.

    Thread Starter Johnny Bravo


    thanks for the reply, yeah the positioning is now sorted but i still get the ‘Sorry, no posts matched your criteria’ message when i press submit. no email sent, no status bar, no spinning icon.

    this has been a long week…

    Ok, so shall i assume you’ve checked the FAQ above?

    CF7 author will be best to help you here, he’s familiar with his own code, and is likely to be aware of existing bugs (if this is indeed a bug).

    Did you test under a different theme and with plugins disabled?

    Have you tried enabling error reporting, if not, does enabling error reporting prompt any errors to appear on the problem page?

    Thread Starter Johnny Bravo


    ive trawled the forums, the plugins FAQ and even directly mailed the author but nothing, i can remember seeing somebody else with the same problem but no remedy

    i have tested with plugins disabled and the same problem.
    i kno, as it always is, it is an easy fix and probably an oversight but its really hindering me now. ive spent the best part of a full week on this.

    the theme i use is indeziner paperwall – how do i enable error reporting?

    the themes author does not seem to want to help(!) i have seen him reply to other posts within the same timeframe as my posts but not in mine, i dont kno whats going on and i am not one to assume.

    Easiest way is to use the debugging option.

    I’d not suggest using it if this is a production site though, ideally you need a copy of your installation for testing.

    Debugging option is for just that “debugging”, so it’ll not look pretty if enabled on your “live” site.

    Thread Starter Johnny Bravo


    yeah thanks t31os_ ive just been reading up on it, you’re right.
    for god’s sake, this plugin is probably THE most downloaded plugin for WP but getting support is a real ballache, im 95% there its just this error

    I am interested in that one too

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