• I just installed the semiologic Static Front Page plugin, which creates a home Page just fine. but where is the rest of the blog?! the navigation sidebar has the archives of posts, but using this plugin, can’t I just have a page that has the latest several posts…like in a normal (standard) WP installation?


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  • You can set up a Page with a Page template that through the query_posts mechanism displays the most recent posts. However, if your goal is to just have the latest posts on your home page, why even use the plugin?

    Thread Starter amirs


    Thanks, but my goal isn’t just to have the latest posts on my home page; it’s to have a home page (with some introductory nonsense but no blog posts), and then have a link to where the actual blog is.

    use it in conjunction with opt-in front, e.g. as on my site.

    I’m trying to do the same thing. I’m happy with making my own front page, but I’d like to have my blog be under /blog/ but still be able to have my pages under their own url name, not /blog/pagename/.

    So far I’ve tried to use the Static Front Page plugin, which works fine, but I can’t seem to get a page working that will show the latest posts.

    Any suggestions?

    Thread Starter amirs


    Denis, thanks, but I’m not sure you understand precisely what we want. Or if you do, I don’t see a fix for it on your FAQ page. In this blog/ directory that your FAQ says to create, I don’t want just the titles of the posts; I want the blog home page there, just as if I had installed WordPress in a blog subdirectory. Is your static front page able to accomplish this?

    I hope this makes sense. Thanks.

    Sure. The fact that my theme displays a simple list comes from my category archives template. ??

    So do exactly as it says in the faq:

    1. Use the static front page plugin normally
    2. Create a category called ‘Blog’, make it the default category, and put every post in it
    3. Link to the ‘Blog’ category in your navigation menu

    And voil??, a static front page, and a ‘blog’ page that displays what would normally have appeared in your front page.

    Also, and as an aside, if you activate the opt-in front page as well, and then activate my fuzzy recent posts plugin, an ‘archives’ link will appear after the list of recent posts (exactly like on my blog).

    I’ve added the following to the FAQ question:

    “Note that your theme’s category archives template will be used. And that you can make a custom template for this specific category if you would like this blog ‘home’ page to look different from your other categories.”

    Let me know if it makes things more clear.


    Ok, it’s what I had expected. Your solution is perfect for most people, although I’m afraid that, as a perfectionist, I can’t stand the thought of having a category named Blog that doesn’t really need to exist. However, the plugin is great, and I’d really like to use it if it weren’t for that one detail. Unless…

    Is it possible to make a blog home page that includes all categories ordered by date? I’m not handy with PHP, and a search in the codex didn’t bring up anything that seemed useful.

    try the area related to making a custom page template.

    Check my blog at flardi.net on how to do it with templates, without plugin, in a few easy steps. The plugin + “blog” category solution however has the advantage that it works independently from theme. But if you anyway need to create new templates or theme, my solution may be what you are looking for. FL


    I wanted to have the same thing that amirs wanted– a static front page and a blog that displays posts either fully or with an excerpt. I have done everything you suggested, but it still displays a list of links to posts categorized as blog. Do I need to change the category archives template to make the blog display in one of the above fashions? If so, I am not sure exactly how to change it, nor have I been able to find it so that I can change it. Do you have any suggestions?

    if you’re using the semiologic theme, you want to edit the wp-content/plugins/sem-theme/sem-theme.php file and change the display category function as appropriate.


    Is there any way you could help me out with editing the code so that an excerpt from the post would appear on the page. This is far beyond my abilities at present.

    I had the same problem at one time. I was wanting to diaply the front page with X amount of posts that would be on the front page all the time no matter what I posted after. I ended up using the adhesive plugin to tell X amount of psots to stay on the front page as a sticky and then just posted everything else.. making the new content start on the second page.

    It may not have been the same result you are trying for, but it seems you got the same result from the plugin I did.. only I did not know enough about WP at the time to do more with it.

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