• Where is the documentation to this plug-in? There are so many things needing answers. Searching this support forum is painful.

    1. How do you customize the color of the results progress bar using CSS? The results are appear to be using a black progress bar, but my page’s background is already black. Or, no bar is showing at all.
      EDIT: Found it buried in the Questions & Answers under the Edit pencil for each answer.
    2. How do you customize the form buttons (check boxes, radio buttons) to be larger? Different colors?
      EDIT: A way I can easily make them bigger is using { transform: scale(); } but this seems not very flexible.
    3. How do you customize the “Success” message? I can’t change the background color using Custom Styles.
    4. How do you allow a user to change their vote?
    5. What does the “Reset Poll Stats automatically” option do?
    6. What does the “Auto Generate Poll Page” option do?
    7. How to reset a specific vote, and will / can it allow a user to vote again?
    8. What CSS can be / should be used in the Customize CSS box?
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  • Plugin Author YOP



    Please see below the answers to your questions

    How do you customize the form buttons (check boxes, radio buttons) to be larger? Different colours?
    We are currently using the default browser display for checkboxes and radio buttons.
    Custom css code would be required to make them larger and/or use different colours.

    How do you customize the “Success” message?
    All the messages displayed on the front end(including the Success message) can be edited under YOP Poll->Settings ->Messages.

    I can’t change the background color using Custom Styles.
    If you are referring to the poll background, it can be changed using Custom Styles.
    We can send over the css code if needed.

    How do you allow a user to change their vote?
    Unfortunately this is not supported in the current version.

    What does the “Reset Poll Stats automatically” option do?
    With this option enabled, poll votes will be reset to 0 automatically at the specified date&time.

    What does the “Auto Generate Poll Page” option do?
    This option will automatically create a new page and place the shortcode for the poll on it.

    How to reset a specific vote, and will / can it allow a user to vote again?
    You would need to delete the specific vote under Results -> View Votes page.
    Depending on your poll settings, it may allow a user to vote again.

    What CSS can be / should be used in the Customize CSS box?
    There are no restrictions on the elements/classes that can be targeted.
    So any valid css code can be used.

    I hope this helps.

    For any other questions/issues don’t hesitate to contact us.

    Thread Starter wbenterprises


    OK, great, thank you for the answers. If I spent a lot of time examining every tab, I probably would have eventually found this out for myself, but some documentation would be very helpful. Some of the settings or processes are not obvious to a new customer.

    Great work so far!!

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