• Hi guys – I was looking for a simple CMS that might provide hooks into the various GPL software that is out there and scripts like phpBB, etc. While I’m noticing that WordPress has a good amount of popularity I’m finding that this site suffers from the same mess that other slash-type sites suffer from as well. Finding a plugin is an exercise in absolute frustration. It seems you have to search through these forums until you find a thread that seems to have some solution that might work. These forums are not exactly the user forums that I hoped to use to spur conversation at the web site I planned to use WP for.

    I think WP would significantly benefit by have areas that clearly and cleanly have these items set up.

    At this time I’m wondering whether to use pmachine for the site I’m trying to put up. As much as I hate phpNuke, it is oddly one of the few scripts that integrates all the basics successfully such as picture gallery and forums. I find this sad. I would think that after this many years it would be supplanted but still it hasn’t.

    Any suggestions? I’d enjoy hearing them.

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  • 1: The WordPress support forums would be easier to look through and find information in if members posted in the correct forum (Installation?).

    2. What do these forums have to do with “user forums” on your site? WordPress is a blogging system; it does not offer bbs features.

    The forum software used here is bbPress. Though developed by many of the same folk working on WordPress, it is a different product with different goals.

    3. These forums are meant for general WordPress support, which means there will always be a hodgepodge of issues and topics that ratchet up the signal-to-noise ratio. For a support forum that covers as wide a range of issues as blogging, podcasting, CSS, X/HTML, graphics, file management, PHP, MySQL administration, ftp, web hosting, apache/IIS/other server admin’ing, syndication, etc., etc., etc., I think the noise is not as bad as it could be.

    But in any case, there are other sources of information, depending on the subject matter. For example, WordPress has online documentation at:


    Also, though not a complete list (since we rely on the plugin developers to keep users informed), plugin listings can be found here:


    And many, though not all (again, depends on the plugin devs), of the plugins are available here:


    These (and other) resources are found quickly through the links appearing at the top of every www.ads-software.com page. That’s because WordPress support doesn’t just happen through the forums.

    Slink — I can hear what you are saying. There is no ‘one-stop-shop’ for themes and plugins. I guess some could argue that this is a good thing.

    For example we have Alex King’s theme browser (https://www.alexking.org/software/wordpress/theme_browser.php) and we also have this list of 325+ themes (https://blogging.typepad.com/how_to_blog/2005/03/comprehensive_l.html) and there are plenty of other theme sites out there.

    Here’s another example: Kafkaesqu?- developed this Email Immunizer: https://guff.szub.net/email-immunizer/ (which is great by the way) but a similar plugin was also developed by Coffee2Code (https://www.coffee2code.com/archives/2005/03/24/plugin-obfuscate-e-mail/). Now is this the problem of now having a truly central resource? Who knows?

    I think WP is fantastic. With so many supporters and users out there, I feel that a central resource would benefit the community. It would make everyone’s efforts more efficient. Just my $0.02.

    An aside…

    A while back we worked with OsCommerce, their ‘contribution’ area is not the best, but I was always able to find what I was looking for


    (All tongue-in-cheek, unless you take up the guantlet)

    Sounds like slink and jpepper are offering to volunteer their time to set up a central resource. Way to go guys!! I bet the developers really appreciate when users step up and lend a hand. Did I say way to go??

    Just let me know when you get started and I will be sure and drop by. Look forward to seeing what you come up with.

    Sure you (and not a few others) might like a one-stop shop, but there’s no one better for setting up such a place than you – and what a time-consuming job it would be to maintain!!

    As for me, thanks but no thanks. I will continue to use the search function here and Google site searches. I do, however, appreciate the efforts of those who have tried getting all the cats into a bag… and then keep them there!

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