An unsatisfactory remediation was to deactivate WordPress Contact Forms by Cimatti which solved both the REST problem and the loopback problem. This plugin has not had an update in quite a while and I’m looking for a replacement, but if you need a project, install the current version. I’m disappointed because it was a forms plugin that didn’t hold back the most useful features I needed as a goad to encourage the user to buy the annually renewable “pro” version. I’ve learned to stay away from plugins that are “lite” version because what we all want is behind the ubiquitous annual paywall.
This seems to be where the latest crop of Gutenberg block providers are going and thank you no, not falling for that clickbait. Atomic Blocks by example has been kicked to the curb but only because enough of the blocks are serially unstable as to make it a PITA. They are too soon in an environment that is sketchy at best. I haven’t verified this yet, but I think the parsing of block boundaries which are HTML structured comments are bewildered by incremental changes. Particularly so with nested blocks. This is a historical problem of relying on PCRE regular expressions that are not properly anchored. I can’t say that is the case here, but that is what it looks like when reviewing the code in the code editor.
I don’t know if the various vendors have their own name space that is centrally managed (think ICAAN) for ad hoc block elements, but if not the case this entire exercise is headed into a realm of chaos. I’m recalling the madness of DLL libraries in early versions of Windows (2.1) and VisualBasic.
Back to the original remediation question – even though the tests fail the processes do not. So for now I’m leaving the Cimatti forms tool in place.
And since I’m on a bit of a rant, well intentioned, I assure you, be very careful of committing to block vendors because if you over-commit and later find you don’t like them or they fold their tent, thanks to Gutenberg’s model you have hell to pay to undo all the content registered to that block vendor. Converting the flagged blocks to HTML is a fool’s errand.
This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by