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  • This was in place before but it looks like it has been removed? I noticed my site isn’t picking up anymore mobile stats, and if I check the settings there’s no option anymore for the GA code.

    Can anybody help?

    Same problem here:

    Is anyone from WPtouch mobile attending to this page?


    You can add your analytics code via the Footer Content field (under Theme Settings).


    Martin Kuplens-Ewart
    Product Manager, WPtouch

    Thank you. I figured that out and have been giving it a try. However, the code often disappears, even when I don’t update the plugin. How can I keep it there consistently?

    The code simply will not stick. Is there a SAVE button I’m not seeing?? I’ve tried in two different browsers.

    The circular “working on” thingy (like Microsoft’s old hourglass) has been going round and round for about 15 minutes now and doesn’t resolve. I’d post a screenshot if I could.

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