• I’m on a mac, making a “relatively” quick website to test some SEO on.

    Only altered html before and never created a website… and was told to check out wordpress.

    I’ve dabbled in dreamweaver some, and can write html code, but want to check out wordpress… as once I start something, I HAVE to see it through. Now I’ve started looking at wordpress, I need to learn it, darn OCD!

    Anyways, I’m stumped… it’s not an application, and I can’t get anything working.

    It’s on the server I’m borrowing… and I’m rather frustrated. I’ve downloaded a template… can’t get that to unzip (whole other story)… so somebody PLEASE point me in the right direction.

    Give me a few pointers on how to get this going… the whole “cloud based” thing is so new to me… I’m used to a hard (I can touch and feel in a sense) application (like dreamweaver which I used previously).


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  • 18 months ago, when I first “touched” WordPress, I already had built a medium-sized web site with an infrastructure “CMS”, so was already familiar with the “everything is on the server” approach, and many other ways that WordPress works.

    Had I started, 2 1/2 years ago, with WordPress instead of the infrastructure CMS, I think I would have been as confused as you are now. I would have been better off getting started on wordpress.com, building a web site using Pages, and completely ignoring Posts. Maybe that would be your best starting point.

    Installing WordPress on a borrowed server is probably the most confusing way to start possible. So many technical issues get in the way of the fundamental WordPress concepts.

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