• I logged in to my website today at a mall, and when I checked the Spam Karma 2 (2.0 Final version) listing, it had an update on how to improve positive comments to ‘near 100%’ or something like that.

    Since I was at a mall computer, I couldn’t do as the instructions suggested, which included downloading and replacing one file with the file downloaded. However, now that I have viewed the update, it has disappeared and I can’t seem to find it or reproduce it. Now that I am on my personal computer, I want to perform the update, but I can’t find where it is? Can anyone please help?


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  • Don’t use it and don’t know where it is but maybe this will help…

    Oops, thought you were looking for it. If it is no longer there, i.e. taken down, one might assume there was a good reason for it.

    Within SK2 the news is only shown once. The latest update was a new plugin using JS detection to give a little positive karma to real browsers which I believe has now been rolled into the download link.

    The latest message in full is:

    SK2 Final is there!
    Miscellaneous bug-fixing (greylisting should now work correctly) as well as improvements on some modules (RBL and Digest, thanks to James and Westi).
    Also a brand new JS Detection module.

    (The Wiki is still there, don’t hesitate to contribute…)

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