As I mentioned earlier I will try and do a video, but it will probably take a bit as this is just a side project…
Overall moving from localhost to a host is not much different than moving from host to host. Basically all you are doing is moving from server to server; be it at your home or hosted at a facility. The only extra steps would be updating your registrar and waiting for the DNS to propagate, which means you could see a small amount of downtime.
Here are the steps off the top of my head that you can perform when moving from host to host:
OH = OLD HOST and NH = NEW HOST and REG = Registrar (example godaddy)
1. OH: Create the package and download to local computer
2. NH: FTP package ( and installer.php) to new hosting server
3. NH: Create the database and setup (fast-forward to 5 min mark)
4. NH: Run installer and make sure on step 2 to keep your domain name the same.
5. NH: When installer is finished on step 3 you will not be able to test the site yet because the domain name is still pointing to your OH. You can still check the directory and database to make sure all the files were extracted and the database was populated. You can also change the hosts file on your local computer to point to the IP address of the NH to test the changes without waiting for the DNS change to happen. Be sure however to remove it when your done testing.
6. REG: Browse out to your registrar, I use godaddy for this some people will have their OH manage this. Update the name servers to point to the NH nameservers.
7. Wait for the propagation to happen this can take between a few hours to days with some registrars.
8. OH: Make a small change in a page or post and turn off all cache plugins or put this site in maintenance mode if downtime is ok.
9. NH: Keep browsing to the page with the small change to see if its no longer present; this way you will know the site is now officially moved.
As I mentioned above I will try to create a video that will help but it may be a bit before I can get to that…
Hope this helps….