• Resolved BetsyS


    I’m so confused, and I’ve been trying hard to study the Codex and other forum posts, and I’m learning to use Firebug, but there are still huge holes in my understanding…. I have a TwentyEleven child theme activated, and I’m trying to style the nav bar.

    Firebug tells me that the #access area is where the styling for the nav bar is, but when I change that coding in my child theme stylesheet, nothing happens. And I do add the !important; inside the brackets.

    So, do I create a whole new horizontal list in html, and then style it? I can do that, but I don’t know where to put my html once I create it.I have a header.php file in my child directory, and one part of the Codex says to just add your horizontal menu html into that header.php file, but I don’t know Where in that file to add it.

    My site is https://betsysharp.com

    Thanks for any help anyone can give…

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  • Please tell what changes you want to make. If you have already solved this problem, please mark this topic ‘Resolved’ using the dropdown on the right.

    Thread Starter BetsyS


    Thanks for responding, vtxyzzy. The changes I want to make are:

    remove the black bar altogether.
    Just have the links be plain words, without any box around them.
    A horizontal line beneath them, all the way across.
    Change the font color, and perhaps size.
    Possibly change the font itself: (This is a bit tricky for me, because I have my nifty downloaded font installed, but it’s not a great font to have throughout the entire site, and so I have to learn how to de-activate it when necessary, and to call a different font when needed.)

    I’m mostly capable of putting together the html, free-standing, to create the kind of nav menu that I want. And if I have created the html, then I can figure out how to reference it in the stylesheet. I just don’t get how to integrate that into the dynamic WordPress environment, and I really still don’t get the “php generates html” concept.


    Well, I tried to make the changes you wanted through CSS, but was unsuccessful. Apparently something is overriding the style.css in your child theme. Perhaps the font handler.

    Thread Starter BetsyS


    Oh. That sounds ominous. What’s the logical next step; exorcism?

    Sorry, I can’t say since I am not familiar with the font handler and can’t see all the features of your site.

    Thread Starter BetsyS


    OK. Well, I appreciate your interest and effort. Just for future reference, in case I end up just removing the @fontface part of my css, could you please tell me where in the CSS you were trying to make changes?

    And also, without my admin password, how would it be possible for you to actually change my CSS?? That’s kind of a scary thought. How does that work?

    I was not looking at the css actually on your site. In order for a browser to apply the css, it is transmitted to the local pc. I was using the Firefox browser with the Firebug tool to examine the css that was sent with your page.

    I was examining and changing several parts related to the #access div. Usually you can test changes by adding them to the end of the style transmitted to the pc. When I tried that, the screen would briefly flash showing the changes and then revert back to the unchanged version.

    Thread Starter BetsyS


    Oh, I see. Well, I’ll keep on studying. If necessary, I’ll strip the child theme back down to its virgin state, and start over.

    Thanks again for your assistance and explanations. I’m really glad for this support forum.

    I wonder if putting the changes in the source style.css on your site would work? Try adding these lines to the end of style.css (just an experiment, you can take them out after you see if they make a difference):

    #access {
       background: none;
       box-shadow: none;
    #access a {
       color: #000000;
       font-family: Arial,Helvetica,serif;
       font-weight: bold;
    Thread Starter BetsyS


    Done. And it doesn’t change anything in the appearance.

    Thread Starter BetsyS


    Here is my entire stylesheet right now:

    [CSS moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please just post a link to your site.]

    Oh well, it was worth a try. I can get the stylesheet as it is downloaded to my pc, but I thought that it might be ‘re-read’ somehow by part of your theme.

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