• Does someone knows in wich part of the database wordpress stores the sizes add by the function add_image_size()????

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  • An image is attached to a post as a post (of type attachment). Each post has a set of post meta data, which is a serialize array of settings. It should have a key of “_wp_attachment_metadata” ..

    So basically, if you view the post which has the attached image (like in edit view) you can see the post ID. Search the posts which have that parent post ID and you should find the image attached to that post. Then get that post ID and search the postmeta. You’ll see one with a key of the attachment metadata.

    For example:

    select * from wp_posts where post_parent=41233\G

    If there is an image attached to that post you’ll see something like this in one of the results (I left out most of the result .. fyi)

    ID: 41234
     guid: https://somedomain.com/uploads/2012/06/back-fat.jpg
     menu_order: 0
     post_type: attachment

    Then search search postmeta on that post_id:

    select * from wp_postmeta where post_id=41234\G

    and you’ll see what you are looking for, if I am reading your question correctly .. heh.

    The actual sizes set in functions.php, if I am not mistaken, these are just stored in global array.


    Thread Starter Diogo15


    Marble, Thanks for your support, but how wordpress fill up this variable “$_wp_additional_image_sizes”, it must be inside some table!.. i guess wp_options… but how can i find them?

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