Thx for the update.
I use WC Localization however I get this warning:
Textdomains are used to specified the context for the translation file to be loaded and processed. If a component tries to load a translation file using a textdomain, all texts assigned to this domain gets translated during page creation.
The extended feature for textdomain separation shows at dropdown box Textdomain the pre-selected primary textdomain.
Warning Messages
If you get warnings either at the overview page or at the editor page, somethings is wrong within the analysed component. The overview page will show warnings, if the textdomain can not be found clearly. In this case the author has written the components code in a way make it hard to detect.
Warnings at the editors view will show up, if the component is using badly coded textdomains. This could be either by integration of other plugins code or accidentally by typing mistakes.
Reported issues are not a problem of Codestyling Localization, it’s caused by the author of the affected component within it’s code.