• Resolved tvejacques


    We’re testing Accordion blocks from various different sources.

    There is no documentation about “Accordion Toggle” at https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/accordion-toggle/ (the presented info here is very basic) to indicate whether it is a separate plugin or part of the larger suites (Elementor / Gutenberg).

    It is also not clear what its icon looks like, and we can’t find any info on its features – also not on the https://wpdeveloper.com/ website
    * What is the icon
    * What are the features?

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  • Hi tvejacques,
    Hope you are doing well.

    Actually, our Accordion Toggle plugin is for the Gutenberg page builder. So, you can use this plugin on the Gutenberg only. Unfortunately, I am really sorry to say that we don’t have the documentation or demo for this.

    However, we have the same Accordion block in our Essential Blocks for Gutenberg plugin also for the Gutenberg builder. Both Accordion Toggle and Accordion are the same block. So, you can check the details here: https://essential-blocks.com/demo/accordion/

    Hope you understand. Please let me know if you need further assistance or have queries.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter tvejacques


    Thanks Amit
    We use Gutenberg blocks – so if yours is the one in that suite, we’ll be ok.
    As we’re testing different plugins, there are several icons for Accordions, and we’re trying to figure out which one is yours.
    Its a pity in WP there is no easy method to know which block belongs to which plugin (except woocommerce ones).


    Thanks for getting back to us. Yes, it is tough to get which block is from which plugin. However, you can identify the Accordion Toggle by checking the icon. Please check this screenshot to see the icon: https://d.pr/i/2MpzvT

    Please let me know if you need further assistance or have queries.
    Thank you.

    Thread Starter tvejacques


    Thank you very much Amit Barai Alit

    Thread Starter tvejacques


    Oops, I clicked before finishing.
    What we miss from your plugin is the ability to customise the top line (a title). We’d like to add an image and headline, not only text. Also, we’d like to customize the style of that text. It seems yours only allows that in the block part that is hidden.


    Will you please tell me if you want to add an image and headline to the title part of the Accordion block or in the content part? If you want to add an image and headline to the content, then you can add those easily by using the blocks inside the content part.

    Please check this screencast to get the details: https://d.pr/v/LijqZx

    You can also add the heading to the title. Please check this screencast: https://d.pr/v/MGH7ZQ

    To add the image to the title, you need to use the img tag. You can use the following HTML code:


    Please check this screencast to get the details: https://d.pr/v/3pTXKG

    Also, you can use the Image option to add the image.

    Hope you understand. If you have any further questions, please let us know.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter tvejacques


    Hi Amit
    Thanks. So it can be done with HTML, which is fine.
    However, this is very long-winded – and we have about 800 such accordion items in total on all the pages on the site. One has to find the code for the image (which is in another window), copy and paste it, adjust style for display size… far too time-consuming.
    It would be very nice if your Accordion would allow image inputs from the Media Library.
    Perhaps when you update to a new version?


    Thanks for letting us know the update. You can also directly add the images from the Media Library. For that, you need to use the Image option to add the image. You can use the Prefix or Suffix position of the image as per your preference.

    Please check this screencast to get the details: https://d.pr/v/SfHpFr

    Let me know how it goes.

    Thank you.

    Hello tvejacques,
    Hope you are doing well.

    We haven’t heard from you since then. Can you please inform me whether the issue mentioned above is already fixed or not?

    Let us know the update.

    Thank you.
    Have a good day!

    Hope you are doing well.

    I wanted to update you on the status of the issue you raised regarding the Accordion Toggle. Unfortunately, we have not received any further communication or activity on this matter from your end.

    In light of the lack of recent updates, we assume that the issue may have been resolved or is no longer a concern. Therefore, we are resolving this topic now. If you still require assistance or have any follow-up questions, please feel free to reopen the topic or create a new one, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

    Thank you for your understanding, and we appreciate your cooperation.

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