• marlene23


    I’m creating a personality type style quiz.

    I want to ask 10 questions, each question offer four possible answers.

    Results – I want to have a category for each answer in the question

    When the user has completed all the questions, their score will show as:

    Category 1 scored # percent
    Category 2 scored # percent
    Category 3 scored # percent
    Category 4 scored # percent

    I’m struggling to work out which answer type to choose. I thought it woud be multiple choice – however it wants me to tick a “correct” answer. There is no correct answer, only a catgory answer.

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  • yuva1990


    Use single choice and in options select the correct answer.
    Add category to the questions as well as activate the category wise result in the results section.

    Thread Starter marlene23


    Hi Praveen, I’m confused. There is no correct answer, they are just categories.

    The categories are:

    Personality type 1
    Personality type 2
    Personality type 3
    Personality type 4

    So for example:

    If they choose answer 1 that will mean they are personality type 1
    If they choose answer 2 that will mean they are personality type 2
    If they choose answer 3 that will mean they are personality type 3
    If they choose answer 4 that will mean they are personality type 4

    So I’m confused where you suggest correct answer?



    I think this is not possible with this version of wp pro quiz because you have certain logics to decide the people.

    I would like to suggest you to go with a customized version according to needs / logics.



    You need to choose the type of answer “single choice”, then select “different points for each answer” and “disable correctly and incorrectly” … In case the respondent must choose one answer out of four.

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