• Each image in the gallery has its own post in the database – post_type attachment.

    Unfortunately the post_status is set to inherit and not publish.

    When changing the post_status in mySQL to publish, the comment is published under the image.

    Please tell me which php-file is creating the image / attachment / post
    so I can do something about this bug

    have a nice day

    Mikael Boldt

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  • What bug? If you don’t understand something, it is not necessarily a “bug”.

    Don’t mess with the database.
    The display of the attachment page is controlled by the image.php (see the latest default theme) or attachment.php (see earlier versions) or – as always, the general fallback – index.php.

    Reading: Template_Hierarchy#Attachment_page + the links from there

    Thread Starter Mikael Boldt


    What would you call it if it is not a bug?

    using the[gallery]with the option of give a comment, and the comment are not shown, because of a mistake in a program file?

    using the[gallery]with the option of give a comment,

    What is the option “give a comment”? I can’t see anyting like that in the Codex: Using_the_gallery_shortcode

    If you click on my name you can see 2 posts that use the “gallery shortcode” and you can comment:
    a) on the post itself
    b) on each picture if you wish

    So, where is the bug?

    (I am not saying I am completely happy with the image/gallery/media feature… I am just saying it does display the post-attachment images correctly.)

    Thread Starter Mikael Boldt


    Sorry I was tired yesterday, doing 5 galleries for a scout-group

    As you say:
    1)The comments are there under each image.
    2)Allow to give a comment is not an option = I have not deleted the comment option from image.php (that I have done on another page for a company using it for advetising their products)

    My concern is that I cannot see them in my comment-feed generated by WP. (./?feed=comments-rss2)
    Only comments from page/attachments that are published are shown.

    and because of this recent comments on my front page is not showing them either.

    Finally, a whish for the gallery function:
    numbers of comments – or at least an indication if comments – under each thumb on the gallery front page.

    kind regards

    Mikael Boldt

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