• Resolved geekgirl


    I am currently trying to make my site validate, but I need to include the “alt tag” to my smileys in posts. When I hit “view source” on my site I can see where I need to edit, but when I look at my wordpress files, I can’t find that place. So what I am asking is which .php file do I open so that I can add the alt tag to my smileys. Thanks in advance.

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  • Thread Starter geekgirl


    I still can’t find which file to edit, does anyone know?

    I’m not a css expert, but can’t even look without a url.

    Try posting a portion of the validation error message, your theme name, a url, etc. to give someone a clue?

    I checked one of my own pages (which validates) with a smiley in comments and the tag looks like so:
    wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" class="wp-smiley"

    The ancestors of my alt attribute are:

        div #page
        div #content .narrowcolumn
        ol .commentlist
        li #comment-xxx .alt

    The .alt is defined in the comments section of my stylesheet.
    The class=”wp-smiley” is defined somewhere in tinymce? (I think).

    Thread Starter geekgirl


    thank u for responding, my site is located at lovelatoya.com…
    I’ve downloaded the custom smiley plugin from https://qad.donationcoders.com/wp/custom-smileys. the plugin works fine when used in my comments, but when I use one an a post, it fails valaidation by not including the alt tag. Here is an example of the error..

    Line 47, Column 103: required attribute "alt" not specified.
    …oo/heartbeat.gif" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="https://lovelatoya.com/wp-inc

    I know i need to manually insert the alt tag but im not sure where…here’s my portion of the css file…

    .wp-smiley {
    	border: 0pt none;
    	margin: 0px;
    	padding: 0px;
    	vertical-align: middle;

    alt is an attribute used for images content. It requires a value. wp-smiley is an image class.
    So you’d have the image/url, its class, and the content value drawn together from different places. That’s the best I can explain it from my own studying to date.

    You need to work out how you have the css hierarchy laid out in order to define all these things in the appropriate place.

    Line 47, Column 103: of whatever file that refers to is also a place to start for tracking down the error origination point.

    Thread Starter geekgirl


    Yes, I know that’s where I need to start..which goes back to my original question…which file in wordpress is “line 47 column 103” on?…I can clearly see it when I view my page source in firefox. But i cant find it in my wordpress files so that I can edit it. Am I sounding confusing? Please let me know so I can try and explain it better.

    Here’s your porblem:

    1. You’ve a post here : https://lovelatoya.com/2007/11/12/29/
    2. open this post in WordPress Editor or XMLRPC Desktop Client’s (WLW), which ever way you create post.
    3. Enter alt=”” or alt=”xxx” either ways on all the three icons.
    a. You can leave alt=”” attribute as blank.
    b. Or you can enter alt=”xxx”, replace xxx with some description.

    Once you enters alt, save your post/publish and re-validate.

    Your site validates 100% thereafter.

    Note: 1. Always enter alt im images, else you’ll keep getting validation errors.
    2. Whenever you need help, write down the complete error, that’s helps.
    3. Always give your site address, that helps in getting further info.

    Thread Starter geekgirl


    Thanks for responding. I opened the post in the wordpress editor and just added alt=”xxx”, but nothing happened it just added the words “alt=”xxx”” to my post. Am I doing this wrong?

    Again, if I was using and outside editor like cuteftp, etc…Which file would I open to edit the post? That’s basically what I need to know.

    If it is in a post – there is no file you can edit.
    All content (posts, Pages, comments, settings) are stored in the database – that’s what they tried to explain.

    On the other hand: you add the alt=”whatever” INSIDE the image tag (img)!

    Next. Talk to the plugin author: the plugin should place by itself the alt tag in the image code. If it doesn’t… ditch it, or give up validating.

    Thread Starter geekgirl


    Ok thanks, so is there a way to edit it there? (the database i mean) and if not, there’s no way to make this validate right? Sorry I know this sounds crazy, but I seriously don’t know.

    No, you need to re-write the plugin.
    See the plugin author’s comment:
    (that page has also more than 900 validation errors ??

    I opened the post in the wordpress editor and just added alt=”xxx”, but nothing happened it just added the words “alt=”xxx”” to my post. Am I doing this wrong?

    1. I cann’t see alt anywhere on your post. Moshu had said everything. Eventhough, if you want to continue using same plugin, you’ll have to make sure to manually enter alt on every smiley that you enter.

    Here’s your post source, which I’ve edited for your with alt attribute. Open your post in WordPress editor and click on “code“, if you’re using WYSIWYG and replace the entire block with under posted.

    Your site upto this post will validate.

    <p><img src="https://lovelatoya.com/wp-includes/images/yahoo/heartbeat.gif" alt="" class="wp-smiley" /> <img src="https://lovelatoya.com/wp-includes/images/yahoo/coffee.gif" alt="" class="wp-smiley" /> alt=”xxx”<img src="https://lovelatoya.com/wp-includes/images/yahoo/icon_sad.gif" alt="" class="wp-smiley" /></p>

    1a. Whenever, you post image, make sure to enter Alt attribute in either form as written in my above post.

    If you use lots of smileys, ditch this plugin, as there’re 100’s of validation errors. See Moshu’s last post.

    I hope all your query’s answered.


    To answer your question, yes, you can edit post text directly in the database by using phpMyAdmin but I don’t see why anybody would do that. WP the WPAdmin Panel for managing (editing) posts – that’s what it’s there for and by using it you won’t inadvertently muck up your database.

    Actually, either way appears (to me, anyway) to be putting a bandaid on the problem rather than fixing it once and for all. To do that, probably best to follow Moshu’s suggestion.

    Thread Starter geekgirl


    Thank you so much Rok, you answered the question that I have been asking. It works perfectly.

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