Which PHP extensions are needed to run a fully operational WordPress site?
I have one website and on Godaddy cpanel, I have a message that i need to update to PHP 7.2. Some of the modules (extensions) are checked-off but what do I really need and do I need to check-off more? There is virtually nothing on the net about this. Here is a list:
apcu igbinary nd_pdo_mysql posix uploadprogress
bcmath imagick oauth propro uuid
brotli imap oci8 pspell vips
dba inotify odbc raphf wddx
dbase interbase opcache redis xdebug
diseval intl pdo snmp xmlreader
dom ioncube_loader pdo_dblib soap xmlrpc
eio json pdo_firebird sockets xmlwriter
enchant ldap pdo_mysql sqlsrv xsl
ffmpeg lzf pdo_oci ssh2 yaf
fileinfo mailparse pdo_odbc stats yaml
gd mbstring pdo_pgsql sysvmsg zip
gender memcached pdo_sqlite sysvsem zmq
geoip mongodb pdo_sqlsrv sysvshm
gmagick mysqli pgsql tidy
gnupg mysqlnd phalcon3 timezonedb
http nd_mysqli phar trader
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