• Resolved churchinchicago


    I am basically trying to override the title and some of the meta tags for my website. Based on advice given in one of the forum topics, I have added the following code (sample data) to the header.php of my child theme:

    Add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘your_seo_function’);
    function your_seo_function() {
    echo ‘<title>My desired page title</title>
    <meta name=”keywords” content:=”one, two, three, etc.”/>
    <meta name=”robots” content=”index,nofollow” />’;

    After doing so and loading up my site, when I right-click on the site and choose ‘View Page Source,’ I see my desired title and meta tags. However, the original title and meta tags are still present, higher up on the page. Which title and tags do the search engines recognize? In particular, the original “robots” meta tag is “noindex,follow” and I certainly don’t want the search engines to not index the page.

    Here’s my site link: https://www.thechurchinchicago.org/.

    Thank you!

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  • Thread Starter churchinchicago


    I resolved the issue of the robot meta tag in header showing “noindex,follow” by installing the WP Robots Txt plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/support/view/plugin-reviews/wp-robots-txt), going into “Settings, Reading” and specifying not to discourage indexing. The robots tag “noindex,follow” disappears from the header, which is the desired result.

    However, my remaining issue is whether the search engines will respect the meta tags like “keywords” and “description” which the code in my first post creates later down the source page, or do they have to be in the header? Also, will the “title” tag also placed later down the page overrule the one in the header, or will it be ignored?


    I think there are a number of problems with your approach:

    If you add code to the header.php then the same code will show in all pages/posts.
    Ie all the pages will have the same description and keyword metatags

    The keywords metatag is generally not taken into account by search engines anymore

    Using a plugin like Yoast’s SEO plugin will allow you to set the title and description metatag per page, in the editor of the page, very easy to do.

    Hope this helps ??

    Thread Starter churchinchicago


    Thanks very much! Actually, I had tried using the Yoast SEO plugin, but couldn’t figure out how it worked right away – your simple instructions of going into the editor of the page clinched it for me.

    Your suggestion worked great for me!

    Thanks again.

    You’re welcome!
    Glad I could help.

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