White blank page with "pageok" message (displays on all pages)
I absolutely love your theme but I am having some problems & I’m not sure if it has something to do with the theme or not. This is a bizarre story but I am in desperate need of help at this point so I am hoping you might have a solution. I recently transferred my domain to a new host & I have been trying to redo my website using the preference lite theme. I installed wordpress & activated the theme & was able to successfully install a few plug ins, build pages, preview & publish pages, even log out & log back in (within a short time frame) & everything still looked wonderful & functioned as expected. I left the dashboard open & did not sign out overnight & when I returned & clicked the pages tab within the dashboard to continue editing, it took me to a blank white screen with “pageok” displayed in the upper left hand corner. I was unable to navigate any further, & could no longer access the dashboard within wordpress. Assuming this was likely a plug in issue, I contacted my host & they assisted me by disabling all plug ins & after messing around with whatever else, they finally got me logged in to wordpress & they agreed that this was probably caused by one of the plug ins I was using. So, I installed a new construction page plug in (because they said that was most likely the one causing the problem) & I left all other plug ins disabled (with the exception of the jetpack contact form which I am assuming is not a known issue). I continued editing some of the pages & everything looked great & functioned properly for several hours, even after logging out & back in. And then tonight, once again, the entire site crashed for the second time! I am able to access the dashboard this time but the only way I can get the pages tab to open is by clicking add new page & then immediately trash the new page & it will take me the existing pages but the only thing they will display is “pageok”. Also, I am not able to access all areas of the dashboard, including plug ins. I have disabled the two active plug ins via the file manager but it still has not corrected the issue. I am just wondering if you know of any issues within the theme that might would cause this to happen? Is there any way you can log in to my account to get some insight on the issues I’m experiencing so you can give me some advice? By the way, I have already contacted my host again & they are just about as lost as I am. (Definitely not a good thing!) Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have!
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