• Resolved Kamil Szmit


    I have a problem that after clicking ‘Edit’ in NextGEN Gallery (Gutemberg) block, a white dialog, which looks like empty (blank), is displayed. Firefox web console after clicking ‘Edit’:

    13:31:36.133 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 load-scripts.php:8:552
    TypeError: self.parent is undefined
        NextJS 6
        Backbone 4
    13:31:38.978 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 load-scripts.php:8:552
    13:31:39.411 onmozfullscreenchange is deprecated. components.min.js:12:80764
    13:31:39.411 onmozfullscreenerror is deprecated. components.min.js:12:80764
    TypeError: self.parent is undefined admin.php:36:15
        onerror https://wp-dev.billon.tv/wp-admin/admin.php?page=nggallery-manage-album&attach_to_post:36
    13:31:47.554 TypeError: self.parent is undefinedframe_event_publisher.js:18:3
        NextJS 6
        jQuery 4
    13:31:49.310 Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://wp-dev.billon.tv/wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=5.2.2”. admin.php:1:1

    In this dialog an inline frame (<iframe>) with an identifier (id) ?ngg-iframe-albums_tab” and a source (src) ?https://wp-dev.billon.tv/wp-admin/?nextgen-attach_to_post=1&shortcode=bmdnIHNyYz0iZ2FsbGVyaWVzIiBpZHM9IjEsMiIgZGlzcGxheT0iYmFzaWNfdGFnY2xvdWQi&ref=1562934082181&editor=editor-482d2397-af30-454e-b60f-23b3453050c2”
    is located. Opening this link in new tab causes displaying page ?Choose Display”. Why the dialog of NextGEN Gallery block looks like empty? How to resolve this problem? Could you help me? I would like to create categorized downloadable gallery like Prowly Press Kit [link removed] I have installed plugin NextGEN Download Gallery.

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  • Plugin Support Mihai Ceban


    Hi @kamilszmit89,

    We would be happy to assist you. Errors like this can sometimes occur due to a conflict on your site. We would like to have you try a few things. Please try deactivating all of your plugins, clearing your browser cache (and site caches if you are using a caching plugin), then reactivating the NextGEN Gallery plugin.

    If this fixes the problem it was likely one of the deactivated plugins causing the issue. Now, retrace your steps activating each plugin (one at a time) and re-checking to see if the problem returns. If it does then that last activated plugin was probably the one. Keep reactivating the plugins as it is also best to keep checking after each plugin. Sometimes there may be more than one plugin on a site that will create an issue. If you do find one (or more) plugins causing this problem, we would greatly appreciate your feedback on them so that our developers can address them.

    Also to note, in rare cases, it may be the theme itself that is causing a conflict so while you have just the NextGEN plugin activated, you might consider temporarily switching to one of the WordPress Twenty series themes and see if this corrects the issue.

    If the problem still persists after all of this we would still want to know, even more so, as we will want to sort out the issue and may need additional details.

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