White dialog, which loos like empty, of NextGEN Gallery blog
I have a problem that after clicking ‘Edit’ in NextGEN Gallery (Gutemberg) block, a white dialog, which looks like empty (blank), is displayed. Firefox web console after clicking ‘Edit’:
13:31:36.133 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 load-scripts.php:8:552 13:31:36.473 TypeError: self.parent is undefined frame_event_publisher.js:18:3 NextJS 6 is_parent is_child broadcast notify_parent broadcast <anonymous> Backbone 4 i fireWith ready J 13:31:38.978 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 load-scripts.php:8:552 13:31:39.411 onmozfullscreenchange is deprecated. components.min.js:12:80764 13:31:39.411 onmozfullscreenerror is deprecated. components.min.js:12:80764 13:31:45.644 TypeError: self.parent is undefined admin.php:36:15 onerror https://wp-dev.billon.tv/wp-admin/admin.php?page=nggallery-manage-album&attach_to_post:36 13:31:47.554 TypeError: self.parent is undefinedframe_event_publisher.js:18:3 NextJS 6 is_parent is_child broadcast notify_parent broadcast <anonymous> jQuery 4 i fireWith ready J 13:31:49.310 Loading failed for the <script> with source “https://wp-dev.billon.tv/wp-includes/js/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=5.2.2”. admin.php:1:1
In this dialog an inline frame (<iframe>) with an identifier (id) ?ngg-iframe-albums_tab” and a source (src) ?https://wp-dev.billon.tv/wp-admin/?nextgen-attach_to_post=1&shortcode=bmdnIHNyYz0iZ2FsbGVyaWVzIiBpZHM9IjEsMiIgZGlzcGxheT0iYmFzaWNfdGFnY2xvdWQi&ref=1562934082181&editor=editor-482d2397-af30-454e-b60f-23b3453050c2”
is located. Opening this link in new tab causes displaying page ?Choose Display”. Why the dialog of NextGEN Gallery block looks like empty? How to resolve this problem? Could you help me? I would like to create categorized downloadable gallery like Prowly Press Kit [link removed] I have installed plugin NextGEN Download Gallery.
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