There have been a number of threads talking about this issue, assuming we are all experiencing the same challenge:
ELEMENTOR WON’T LOAD, i.e. appears “hanging” in the loading process.
Here is what worked for me (and I am sure they are working on a patch to fix it, in fact, it may already be out in the latest upgrade)……..
– name and publish the page/post in WP default editor
– place cursor in the “content field” and type a few characters (my not be necessary)……….and hit “update”
– “edit with Elementor”, and in the process,
click on the “loading icon, the -E- “, and bingo, Elementor pops up rather quickly, faster than it ever did before
Not sure if this helps you, nor do I know if what I do makes any sense to those who “do know”……………just sharing it here as it was a re-producable work-around for Elementor when it wouldn’t open the usual way.
Any insight or other report is appreciated, always eager to learn here ??