About WP-Polls
Ok, that sounds like a problem with the plugin then. I noticed that you opened a thread at https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/i-cant-activate-wp-polls-since-wordpress-401 which was definitely the right thing to do.
And non Fatal Errors like this:
That appears to be a conflict between W3 Total Cache and WP-Polls, so hopefully that will be cleared up when WP-Polls is fixed for you.
About blank after programing I’m having a lot of this kind of error.
If you’re seeing this error either suddenly (no specific task was done to cause the error) or frequently, try deactivating all plugins to rule-out a plugin-specific issue and try switching themes to rule-out a theme-specific issue.
Otherwise, here are three ways to increase PHP’s memory allocation:
1. If you can edit or override the system php.ini
file, increase the memory limit. For example, memory_limit = 256M
2. If you cannot edit or override the system php.ini
file, add php_value memory_limit 256M
to your .htaccess
3. If neither of these work, it’s time to ask your hosting provider to temporarily increase PHP’s memory allocation on your account. Keep in mind that most decent hosting providers allocate 32 MB to PHP under each account, and most decent hosting providers allow users to temporarily increase the memory allocation. If your hosting provider won’t accommodate you, perhaps it’s time to find a new hosting provider.
(in the above examples, the limit is set to 256MB)