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  • Enable debug and see the problem. And post the error here.

    @klb248 Comet Cache was just updated about an hour ago to v160223. The latest version fixes several ZenCache migration bugs.

    Same problem here on a dozen sites using ZenCache. The upgrade yields a ‘white screen of death’ and the site disappears. Deleting the new Comet Cache directory brings everything back. Even deleting ZenCache and not going through the upgrade process but installing Comet Cache v160223 yields the same result. White Screen of Death in PHP.

    I’ve had to uninstall the whole shebang on all sites. The update to the latest version gives the same White Screen of Death.

    I am also reporting white screen with the latest version 160223.1

    I moved a few sites back to Version 160211.2 and that one works without TWSOD (the white screen of death).

    @adam1550 Please try manually uninstalling and then install the latest version.

    Here’s what I did to combat the problems.

    First, I reinstalled ZenCache (must be the latest version; previous version did not work; when deleted manually it would invoke the White Screen of Death). Second, from within WordPress, install the latest Comet Cache (v 160223.1 worked). Third, activate Comet Cache. It will then deactivate ZenCache, and set itself up. Finally, delete ZenCache. That worked for me on problematic sites. There might be an issue with the ZenCache version before v160222 where something goes wonky when hitting the Delete button.

    I tried to install this on a new wp install. Same WSOD.

    Thread Starter klb248


    We tried Comet Cache again today, since new version was out and it worked without the WSOD. Had some trouble deleting ZenCache after Comet Cache was working. ZenCache wouldn’t delete until we did the pending update, then it deleted normally.

    Tried the update version 160709 on 3 sites today and got the WSOD. Removed all other plug-ins and the issue remained. The Comet Cache Pro update seems to result in WSOD on all sites. I tried another cache plug-in and it worked fine so this is a serious Comet Cache plug-in bug.

    @webinautcom If you follow the uninstallation instructions, Comet Cache will be completely removed from your site. If problems persist after following those uninstallation instructions, then the issue is not being caused by Comet Cache.

    Can you tell me which version of PHP your site is running? Also, do you know what web server (Apache? NGINX?)?

    @webinautcom Also, as per the WordPress Forum guidelines, in the future please open a new support thread instead of posting to someone else’s, as it helps prevent unnecessary notifications to other people and helps us solve each individual issue.

    white screen. uninstalled. overwrite old version. error missing mbstring. update apache with mbstring. overwrite new version. all ok now.

    @anndyi How did you do the update the first time, when you got the WSOD? Was it using the WordPress plugin updater (via Dashboard → Plugins, or Dashboard → Updates), or did you do the update using WP-CLI or via FTP?

    i had few months old version just before you announced mbstring need. i didnt update because of mbstring missing. now updated. forgot it needs mbsting. i did from plugins.php , installed plugins, where asks to update if any.

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