• Resolved eborg9


    I really wanted to like this calendar but just like many others have reported it just won’t work. First of all it takes forever to install…there has to be a problem there…and when I try and activate it I get the white screen of death.

    No matter what I do…disable all other plug ins, increase memory, clean database…it just won’t work.

    It’s not a plug in conflict or memory issue.
    So what is the problem?


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  • Hmansfeld is working now, i’m just saying that i want to keep 1 topic for 1 user. And how can we fix anything if we do not know the error?The procedure in the link is just to avoid having to ask for that every time

    The error is the same that so many are seeing. They updated the plugin and they got an internal server error (white screen) that went away when they deleted your plugin. Pretty simple. Debug your own code, people expect things to work. If we have to hack your code and cross our fingers everytime we update we’re just going to use something else.

    I’m not a coder so I’m really just spit balling since I spent to much time exploring every other option that wasn’t the fix.

    Earlier in the process my host mentioned a permission error along with that line 300 error. Last night I had huge permission errors that I’ve never had before in years of having this exact hosting account in that the plug in wouldn’t let me delete ANY files.

    My host had to restore my permissions, and then I was able to.

    I don’t know enough about writing plug ins to be able to say anything for sure. I’m just relaying what seems to be coincidences, which I don’t believe in when it comes to code.

    Like I said, everything is working fine and neither site is running slow as it was before when we had the plug in working for about an hour.

    The installation through the dashboard is still pretty janky. I couldn’t use that at all, it just hung up forever. But manually I was able to get it installed, activated and it’s running.

    If there’s any help I can give based on my experience just ask.

    Nicola I do appreciate your help along the way. It is much appreciated that you stayed with me on this.

    @djedefresky i repeat, how can i debug code if you don’t tell me the error?i can’t debug a “internal server error” ??

    @hmansfield thanks for the report, probably it’s the cache folder where we are writing files that it’s causing this. i added this to our tracker

    I repeat, debug your own code. This is “support.” I’m not on your coding team. I come here for help, not to help you.

    With the directory completely removed, installing 2.1.7 from the dashboard works, until I activate, which gives me the following:

    Fatal error: Call to a member function render() on a non-object in /var/www/anightinburlington.com/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/vendor/twig/Environment.php on line 300

    My front page is widgetized, and one of those areas does use the calendar widget. I DO see the agenda-widget file you specified, just as it should be.

    Just a quick update:

    I removed the widget area that was using the widget from my site completely, still no change, I still get the same fatal error.

    @gemfruit, ok, but now you have a different error. can you do like hmansfield and install manually?that means deleting the folder and then upload things through ftp?

    Just did a manual install via ftp, and got the same results when trying to activate. I noticed a number of errors in the ftp upload process, any connection there?

    (here’s some of the log) – https://pastebin.com/6p6h421j

    At this point, I think I should just entirely remove the plugin (database and all), and install from scratch. All of my events are stored on my Google Calendar and imported by the feeds. The only thing I lost (I believe), was my color changes to umbra, which don’t save to the database, but save to the files, right? If so, a complete fresh install is super easy, assuming I can remove everything.

    Let me know if my color changes are saved to the db, or files, and if you’d like to keep troubleshooting with me to help you figure out the issue. The site isn’t live, so if helping me is of use to you, I’m glad to help, otherwise, a fresh install would be a breath of fresh air.

    Interesting… I got impatient and attempted to remove the plugin entirely, but still have no luck. I installed it (bit didn’t activate it), and then pressed the delete all files button – this should remove all database information as well, correct? After doing this, a fresh install still throws the same error. I’m completely stumped at this point – time to bother Jeff via email.

    Same issue with 2.1.8 ??

    Hi, your log shows error when transferring files with ftp.
    Have you tried to contact your host? Because i can’t help with ftp errors.and if some files are not copied our plugin doesn’t work.
    Color changes are stored in the db so that should be safe.
    Anyway i’ll be posting here on the weekend too so keep me updated i will try to help as possible

    I got a lot of new info:

    Calendar is now working, mostly. Here’s some bullet point details.

    -Had to change owner recursively on the plugin to www-data:www-data to get it working. I tried www-data:wp-user once, but it couldn’t write to cache that way. I deleted completely to test if the chown settings fixed it, and got caught in that loop where I couldn’t install the plugin. Doing so from the dashboard would show me the dashboard sidebar, but an empty content area (as it did yesterday). I manually uploaded via ftp, and it showed again.

    -I changed the owner to www-data:www-data, and the plugin activated properly.

    -I now get the an error that the plugin cannot write to robots.txt, looking into this.

    -Despite deleting EVERYTHING, my Event Categories remained (might want to make sure they get cleaned up?). Oddly enough, they only saved the name, and slug, the color / pictures to represent them were gone.

    I run every other plugin on my site (to my knowledge) with owner wp-user:wp-user. I do believe W3 (not activated) may have required wp-user:www-data, or www-data:wp-user, but I can’t recall. That being said, nothing has ever required www-data:www-data, so this is odd to me.

    I’m still doing some testing now to iron out any kinks, but I figured this info would be useful to you. It definitely seems like there are some new permission errors going on, but I can’t be sure.

    Hi, this is useful thanks. I really do not know what could make this permission error but I’ve added this to our tracker.
    Event categories might not be deleted on uninstall and it’s a bug.
    Robots.txt can be ignored if it’s just a notice and doesn’t break functionality, you should simply add the rules manually.

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