• It has been brought to my attention that if you try to upgrade to version 3.6.5 of Suffusion, sometimes you see a white screen in the back-end. This is unfortunately due to a certain server handing out a corrupted zip file for the theme installation. To fix this, please follow instructions here: https://code.google.com/p/suffusion/

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  • I did all this and it still fails with the new version 3.6.5. And it’s white screens for most pages on the back end.
    The only older version that these instructions give me is 3.4.1 and is 6 months old and not the most recent version prior to 3.6.5
    Can you make the ONE version earlier than 3.6.5 available.
    That one was working fine and now I can’t get it back. I had a lot of customizations working that are not available in 3.4.1.


    Thread Starter Sayontan Sinha


    The version on the GoogleCode site works fine. Are you sure you followed the instructions correctly? It works for everyone else.

    I figured it was me – or the server but I have no control over that.
    Yes – I tried it more than once just to make sure. back and forth from 3.6.5 (breaks) to 3.4.1 (works). and no – I never install wordpress or themes or plugins this way – always from within wp. So I never had any suffusion files or folders on my machine to mess me up until I downloaded from GoogleCode.
    I’m sorry to ask for that. But it only happened after the very last update. And I’ve reverted back to 3.4.1 and everything is great except for everything the new features offer which we spent a bunch of time playing with to get right. Now 3.4.1 doesn’t have a lot of that stuff.
    I’ve reinstalled the latest (3.6.5), so that the site keeps functioning the way we want it to, but I can’t post or add a page or anything until I install a previous version, and staying with 3.4.1 would be very dissappointing.
    here’s is the url… https://www.leadcrafters.com
    Can someone put a newer version up on there, at least a 3.6.x, that isn’t 3.6.5?
    BTW – not that I feel like you owe me, which you certainly don’t, but I did donate a few bucks. Just saying I’m not asking without ever contributing…

    Thread Starter Sayontan Sinha


    You can get the new version from here itself. All old versions are available from WP. The previous one is at https://www.ads-software.com/extend/themes/download/suffusion.3.6.3.zip

    Yeah, I’ve had this problem on two sites now. Both went blank when I upgraded through the update panel. The first one I didn’t know what was wrong, and ended up completely reinstalling WordPress as well as Suffusion. Its working fine now. This other one I just updated and am now getting uploading Suffusion 3.6.5 from the download at code.google.com. Lets hope it works, and that’s all I have to do….

    UPDATE: the upload worked. I had to re-activate Suffusion, but everything is working correctly on 3.6.5 now.

    I updated too soon. I didn’t notice that everything seems to work fine, except the date boxes have disappeared. Is there a way to fix this?

    Thread Starter Sayontan Sinha


    I cannot help without a URL.

    Sorry for so many updates. I wish these forums would allow you to edit your post.

    The date boxes are there, only the background shows as white, as does the text, so you can’t see anything because its all white. I went to the settings under Theme Skinning and tried changing things there. Any changes I made there did not have any effect. I’ve tried changing the background, as well as the text color, and nothing happens, it all remains white no matter what. Is there a bug in 3.6.5 that makes the date-box settings not work like some settings (hide the “comments closed” text) have not worked in previous versions?

    Thread Starter Sayontan Sinha


    The date box works fine. As I said, without a URL I cannot help here.

    Sorry, somehow it seems it didn’t refresh and I couldn’t see your post. https://www.mormonlifehacker.com

    Thread Starter Sayontan Sinha


    What have you selected for Visual Effects → Theme Skinning → Date Box Settings → Default or custom? It should be “Custom Styles”

    Its been set to Custom all along, and the reinstall didn’t change it, so its still that way.

    Thread Starter Sayontan Sinha


    What about Visual Effects → Theme Skinning → Date Box Settings → Hide Date Box?

    Its set to: “Hide on search results. This is useful if your search returns a mix of pages and posts, because it makes the results look consistent (pages don’t have a date box).”

    You’ll notice on the site that there’s a space where it should be. If you drag over that area, it will select the text. The box is there, its just all white (ffffff) for some reason, and changing those settings doesn’t do anything.

    Thanks for working on this, I appreciate it. As soon as I get paid for a project I’m just finishing, I’ll send a donation your way for the awesome theme.

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