I can see a JavaScript error on your site, which you can check like this:
JavaScript errors stop every other JavaScript code on the page and prevent them from working, so they need to be solved.
The error on your site is:
Uncaught ReferenceError: TweenLite is not defined
and it points to the following minified file:
Because of this, it’s hard to tell what causes the error, so you could try turning off this minification and check the JavaScript error again. If it still occurs, wit would point to a file of a plugin, what you could temporarily disable and see if that solves the problem.
If the JavaScript error disappears it might be related to the minification. In this case you should run a plugin and theme conflict test:
Just make sure you keep the minification plugin enabled and clear its cache after every plugin you enable. Then look for JavaScript errors after every enabled plugin. This should help figuring out which one’s codes get messed up with the minification, and you should either exclude the files of the plugin, or contact its developers about the problem.
I didn’t see the previous state of your page. But I checked the earlier linked page now, and I can not see any Smart Slider 3 sliders appearing there, however the JavaScript error is still present:
Uncaught ReferenceError: TweenLite is not defined
So I assume the empty space you saw, came from the slider indeed as this JavaScript error stopped our code from running like my colleague mentioned. This error may cause problems for other JavaScript codes, too. So removing the slider now probably fixed that empty space, but this JavaScript errort may cause similar problems in the future for other plugins, too.
Did you see the mentioned JavaScript error in the console:
when you disabled LiteSpeed Cache? Since I can also see that the JavaScript files on your site are combined by LiteSpeed cache, and that may cause problems for certain JavaScript codes on your site.
If the JavaScript error no longer in the console, then you could publish your slider to the page again, and it will most likely appear fine.
And if you would like to continue using LitSpeed cache, you probably need to disable their “JS Combine” feature:
as that probably causes problems for other plugins on your site, and that is why the JavaScript error occurs.