Some people use old version of WordPress, another people have old version of Php installed. But this plugin is not perfect, so there are times when the entered custom code causes the error and white screen. If this happened with you then do the following.
Your code stored in the Database of your web-site. For getting your code, you can go to the Database —> Table “wp_options” —> Option “anarcho_cfunctions_settings” —> “option_value”.
Or you can use the FTP method, for access to plugin’s settings page. Go to plugin’s folder (in wp-content/plugins/). Open “my-custom-functions.php” file. Find this line of code: “anarcho_cfunctions_exec();” and comment it by placing two slashes ( // ) in beginning. Then you can go to plugin’s settings page and edit your entered custom code. After editing, just delete two slashes which you written before.