• Thought i might start another valuable topic on this.
    Look at my site and can someone tell me why the POLL isnt valid…or not showing valid ?
    And it should be updated by wchulseiee but its still not valid for some reason and still complaints about the phpsession..
    Anyone got a clue on whats wrong ?

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  • OK, for starters, the form really should be contained within something, a div tag, or an li tag….
    Secondly, it’s not so much PHPSESSIONID it’s complaining about it’s the & before that… XHTML expects things like that to be escaped out to their entities. The current code looks like this:
    and it should be this:
    It looks funny, but trust me, when the browser renders it, it will be rendered correctly. I think in order to do this bit though, it may require a change by the plugin developer.

    there are already posts floatin aroudn here which validates the poll hack.

    It’s not a problem with the poll after all. I double checked the site just now – the validator is either using a cached copy or is injecting additional HTML to include a hidden field. I saw this the other night on someone else’s site, then suddenly, POOF! it was gone.

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