• Dave


    Whenever this pluging gets an update there’s always a mass of complaints and problems.

    For the record I think Frederick’s always been very open about the plugin and has done a fantastic thing in still leaving it as a free plugin.

    With that in mind. Who has seen a marked performance increase since upgrading from 9.2.5/6 etc?


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  • awhig


    I saw the CPU usage of my site doubling from 15-16% CPU to around 30% CPU in the daily usage log when I updated from 9.2.5 to 9.2.8 (I thought I’d be safe and wait to update after a few more releases when 9.2.6 came out).

    I saw another post, https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/w3-total-cache-creates-tens-of-thousands-inodes

    and looked at my APC cache, and saw that the cache full count was very high, compared to how it was before upgrading. MY DB and Object cache are both in APC. There seems to be an issue with the DB caching mechanism.

    Based on these 2 things, I’ve downgraded back to 9.2.5 until a couple of more fix releases come out :\




    I think there has been a big improvement. There were bugs and the rest but in the end W3 Total Cache is a very good plugin to use. The performance on my site been the better for it.

    And lets not forget that W3 Total Cache is not a simple plugin…it is a very complicated and powerful tool, and problems go with the territory.

    And Frederick has been VERY helpful to me and always responded to my support requests in a timely and thoughtful manner. So keep up the good work Frederick and remember that your efforts are not unappreciated.



    tvguy2000, yes W3 Total Cache is a great plugin. I don’t even think WordPress is usable without a caching plugin (W3TC, WP Super Cache, etc.)

    I was just referring to the latest versions compared to 9.2.5. I’ve seen a degradation in my server CPU, and it looks like some new bugs were introduced in 9.2.6 going forward. I’m still using the plugin, just 9.2.5, until the kinks are worked out.


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