• Resolved hgomesc


    Hi! I am using this plugin for a long time and it always worked.
    I can set all the normal prices and the wholesale prices and they are correctly set for all products I have on my website.

    Now I am using a different theme “Monsta Theme” and when I am logged on a normal customer account, I have no problems.
    When I am using a wholesale_customer account the website breaks. I have tried to check the problem but I can only link it to the theme itself. I already tried to contact the devs of the theme, but also decided to post here since someone might have already had the same problem. I will attach print screens.

    Regular customer // admin – https://imgur.com/undefined
    Wholesale customer role – https://imgur.com/a/0Ee8ijq

    When I do Inspect Element on the browser logged in the wholesale customer role I get this:

    <body class=”archive post-type-archive post-type-archive-product logged-in custom-background theme-monsta woocommerce woocommerce-page woocommerce-no-js user-registration-page wholesale_customer wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-6.4.2 vc_responsive mmm mega_main_menu-2-2-1″ id=”error-page”>

    If anyone can help I will really appreciate it. I need this fixed as soon as possible. This is only happening with this theme I referenced “Monsta Theme”

    Thanks in advance,

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  • Plugin Support Fauzan Azizie


    Hi @hgomesc,

    Could you please check if there’s any error log related to this break? You can check it in WooCommerce > Status > Log. It should be under fatal error.

    I look forward to your reply.

    Thread Starter hgomesc


    Hello @fauzanade

    I checked it and I have this
    CRITICAL syntax error, unexpected ‘}’, expecting end of file em /home/finogold/public_html/wp-content/themes/monsta-child/functions.php na linha 62

    It says line 62, but that specific file does not have 62 lines even.

    // Exit if accessed directly
    if ( !defined( ‘ABSPATH’ ) ) exit;

    // AUTO GENERATED – Do not modify or remove comment markers above or below:

    if ( !function_exists( ‘chld_thm_cfg_locale_css’ ) ):
    function chld_thm_cfg_locale_css( $uri ){
    if ( empty( $uri ) && is_rtl() && file_exists( get_template_directory() . ‘/rtl.css’ ) )
    $uri = get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/rtl.css’;
    return $uri;
    add_filter( ‘locale_stylesheet_uri’, ‘chld_thm_cfg_locale_css’ );

    if ( !function_exists( ‘chld_thm_cfg_parent_css’ ) ):
    function chld_thm_cfg_parent_css() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘chld_thm_cfg_parent’, trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) . ‘style.css’, array( ‘slick-style’,’chosen-style’,’fancybox-style’,’fancybox-buttons’,’fancybox-thumbs’ ) );
    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘chld_thm_cfg_parent_css’, 10 );


    Thread Starter hgomesc


    I have find that the website was having problems with “Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded”

    I switched to 60 and it shows now “Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded”.

    I also discovered that this is only happening with my theme. Monsta-child-theme. It happens with the parent theme Monsta-them.

    If I switch to any other default themes I have life twenty-twenty or such, the error does not happen.

    I tried to contact the theme developers but still with not very much success on a helpful answer.

    If anyone has any tips they would really be highly appreciated!


    Plugin Support Fauzan Azizie


    Hi @hgomesc,

    Could you please provide me with a temporary admin login so I could check the issue better?

    You can send them over through our support channel here: https://wholesalesuiteplugin.com/support/support-request-form/

    Thread Starter hgomesc


    @fauzanade I already sent a through there to you.

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