Invite some people to a location and look them over the shoulder at using them. Don’t give hints or any information about to handle your editor! That’s important or u lying yourself. The people should create different contents with it. Formating text, creating some different layouts etc.
After that, say them, they should tell u the truth and their opinion!
Your problem is, that u have created it. U know your plugin. U have the timber in front of your head. That’s the problem of the creators. The main problem is the usability. The plugin does its primary goal very bad. It is awkward to work with it. U search simple each basic function. Don’t hide the whole stuff, let us each blog, design as we want! Why a clear demarcation between text or pictures ? Half of the time i couldn’t add pictures.
Try it! u will be surprised what u doing wrong.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by