Did you read https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Installing_WordPress ?
There are lots of good places to get help. I always recommend a local WordPress meetup (check meetup.com), where you can find friendly folks who’d be willing to walk through the valley of shadows with you.
]]>Many sites claim to be friendly and helpful but in the end they only serve to confuse because they omit the details that come easily to them because they’ve done it time and time again.
“Do I have to start my computer before I install WordPress?”
Is there a specific location on my hard drive where WordPress must be installed? Can I install it on a second drive?
What is a widget?
What is a tag?
How do I set up my local blog to have a front or main page with other pages linked to it?
What do the various ‘dashboards’ accomplish other than confuse people.
What is a column in settings?
What else must be entered in the dashboard to get things to work?
I looked at it. It does the same thing as all other “helpful” sites. It also goes off on tangents with more “helpful” hints. A bare bones installation is all that is required initially. After learning most of the ins and outs of basic WordPress then a user can explore other options that may or may not be helpful for what is desired.
]]>I’d google or search what operating system you have. for example
“how to install wordpress on CentOS 7”, and i can gaurentee you the first 5 results will be links to reputable sources with step by step instructions as to how to get your wordpress installation completed and your website live.
If you just want to vent then this really isn’t the place for that. Honestly, we’d prefer to get your site working but we need some clue from you what is going on first.
Where did you start and what did you try?
]]>What is the first program that should be installed for a local operation?
Are there separate programs for each of PHP, SQL and/or Apache?
Which of the programs need to have changes made to the included data to make them work with the other programs?
Can Apache and WordPress be installed on drive D: or is that just complicating matters beyond any possibilities?
I have been researching and searching since before my first post. I am not finding answers to the puzzle.