Short answer, I don’t see where they are currently doing it (4 months later)
Long answer,
The offending code that I saw was in wpsymposium.php, on lines 117 and 118 of version 13.05:
`// Notify developers (feel free to comment out the next line)
@mail(‘[email protected]’, get_bloginfo(‘url’).’ installed v’.WPS_VER, get_bloginfo(‘url’));`
And it was there until version 13.08. As far as I can tell, it is no longer there. WPS Support would have been better off to say, “We stopped doing that”.
All versions currently available on (as of today, 12/09/13) in the developers link for WP Symposium, up until version 13.08 still contain that code. Something to keep in mind should anyone decide to install an older version of this plugin (I don’t know why).
The issue I had with it at the time (4 months ago, when I made my post) was that the plugin not only phoned home, but it sent via the hosing account, not through the WordPress mail function. That provided the username of the hosing account in the sent from of the email along with the WP version and the URL of the website. And at the time, the developer had said in another support thread that they weren’t doing it. That was very disturbing to me. That thread can be found at .
The developer later said it was an oversight, but it looked pretty intentional to me.
So, in response to your question @ionuke, yes, at the time I made the post, they were doing it. Currently, I don’t see where they are doing it. The offending code can still be found in the older versions available here, prior to version 13.08.
Since they have denied it before, and were doing it at the time of the denial, I would check the code myself to make sure it doesn’t do anything you don’t want it to do.