LOL, designers are supposed to make things look nice. Fixed width looks nice. It is considered desirable. Fluid layout designs have a tendency to be ugly. Yes, you can scale a background image with 100% width and height but then you’ll end up squishing (tweaking the proper proportions) it as well… the horrific diabolical taboo of design. It’s just the sure sign of an amateur. My graphic design professors in collage nagged and harped “NEVER SQUISH OR STRETCH AN IMAGE OR FONT!” And they were right. It’s repulsive.
Fluid design can be very impressive. I don’t think it’s fair to say designers are lazy because they make a qualified design decision to compliment the needs of their design. There is nothing inherently wrong with fixed width.
No one is “lazy” because their priority of aesthetic vs. mechanism is different than yours. Seems silly to be angry and insulting about something that is so subjective anyway.
Why put any thought into visual flow, conceptual positioning, or proper image and text proportions when you can just plop it all in, tell it to stretch to fit, and attribute the resulting hideousness to the “superior design of fluid layout?”