• Because I constantly get asked why I blog, I wanted to ask the same here – why do you blog?
    I think I have a small reader base. AwStats for the month of October 2004 reported 1179 unique visitors, 2221 visits, 8523 pages, and 24078 hits. (I don’t know if that’s small, but I don’t get too many comments, so whatever!)
    If you don’t get too much traffic, I’m even more interested on what you have to say. I’m trying to build some self esteem, so I hope you all understand my aim.
    I just tell people that I post important computing-related stuff I feel is really important, as well as occassional real-life happenings a few relatives might be interested in. I hope to eventually help be a positive influence for others. Plus, I think writing often helps improve how I speak to others and carry myself. The more I express, the better I feel. Oh yeah, did I mention that reading other blogs help me as well? They help me see how quality writing should look like.
    Please jump in… ??
    – Bryan

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  • I blog for myself. I don’t necessarily care or need the ego stroking others need (not that there’s anything wrong with that… ‘cuz I have to admit, when it happens, it’s pretty cool. It’s just not my primary motive.) I simply wanted to chronical my “journey” as a wanna-be hack writter — I don’t even qualify as a hack. It’s been usefull to me as a way to practice writting on a somewhat regular basis, work things out for characters, story, etc. Through it, I’ve been able to discover a number of other writers to talk to, as well as a number of new resource sites.
    BTW: your numbers look much more inpressive than mine. I no longer track mine, but I’m sure mine are pretty dismal.

    Also remember with blogs your stats can get terribly inflated due to RSS feeds. I get over 1700 “visitors” a month from feeds alone :p
    Why do I blog. Funny you should ask that.

    A quick glance through the stuff in my weblog will easily show that I blog because I’m clinically insane.
    No, really I blog for the hell of it.
    Or, perhaps I blog because I have nothing better to do.
    Or maybe, I blog because it’s there. Yeah, pretty deep, that is. It’s over there…somewhere.
    No, no. I blog because I want the world to notice me. Hello World!
    You know what? I just realized something; I’m not actually blogging. I’m posting foolish comments in this blasted forum. Really should save all that for my blog. Which is really the point of my blogging. I think.
    Nevermind. I blog because I can.

    It’s something to do.
    It gives me a reason to play with CSS.
    I blog about whatever crosses my mind.
    What I wonder is why people come and read it ??

    Thread Starter Bryan Villarin


    I guess high numbers don’t mean as much as regular visitors. I guess in a way, I’m somewhat like Kafkaesqui. I hope I have something to offer, though.
    Kyle: Your designs are pretty awesome and inspiring. Blogs are definitely a way I can see what other people do.
    podz: I agree that it also is just something else to do – it mixes things up a bit.

    I blog for the millions of dollars I will make with the ads on my site. Oh, wait, I have no ads on my site, so that’s not the reason.
    I guess I blog because I like to write and because I wanted to learn some new skills, and because Podz is so darn cute…I just want to hang with him all the time. ??

    I blog ‘cuz it “hasn’t got as much spam in it as spam egg sausage and spam”… and to get chicks.

    I’m 600 miles away from my family… and blogging is much easier then 10 phone calls on the same subject.

    @rustin – I have a friend who started blog once he and his good lady were expecting. It saves numerous repetitive phone calls and even better, they all get the same story at the same time ??

    I blog because I think things and have no place to put them.
    If i put them in forums they get lost, if I put them in documents they get forgotten.
    Blogging them hopefully will give me a book of posts one day!
    Philosophy and Gaming Journal

    Moderator James Huff


    Well, I blog for the enjoyment, but Jon Gales (19yrs.) blogs for the $55k/year that he makes from it. https://www.macmanx.com/wordpress/archives/2004/10/22/life-after-18/

    “Also remember with blogs your stats can get terribly inflated due to RSS feeds. I get over 1700 “visitors” a month from feeds alone :p”
    Good point and something to concider. Makes me to ask question, would it help in this instance to place blog’s system in subdomain where stats are separated???

    I’ve always wanted to publish something, I was just never really sure what. Then I got into a new field at work (competitive intelligence) and realized that most of the “official” stuff being published on it was so academically indecipherable I thought a more common-man voice might be useful, and I had a few ideas for short articles. Then I thought of other things to write, and decided a blog was the way to publish myself ?? I’m still well into the getting-started stage though.
    I’m also interested to learn more of the technical side, I was an admin for a few years a long time ago and I missing messing with computers for the fun of it. But right now CSS is driving me nuts…
    At this point I have 54 unique visitors and ~150 visits in December. AND I’ve made $.90 off the google ads! Not that I ever expect to make remotely serious money from this, but for some reason that 9/10 of a dollar means a lot.

    I blog for myself mostly, I have a feeling that I will come back to everything I’ve written one day and feel a touch nostalgic and also embarrassed in equal measure… and I do it for the chicks as well, chicks like… totally dig WP users.

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