Hi mrossw, I do elearning in many settings for a long time.
I do not think that you will be happy using TLWP to give students access to online materials, because it is not made for this use case. And with time your ideas, what else could be done, will grow – and then TLWP is definitely not the right plugin for you any more.
If you want to do “real elearning” (courses, certificates, quizzes), then sooner or later you need an LMS (like LearnDash, Lifter LMS or others).
If you just want to provide a couple of materials (pdf’s, videos, instructions in a WP post etc.), then you might be better off with a membership plugin.
TLWP is just for temporary access to a WordPress installation – usually for developers and helps admins to simplify the process of granting access.
All the best!