• I’m hoping someone might be able to shed some light on an issue I’ve noticed lately on my self-hosted wordpress site.

    I’ve been using the Pingdom Website Speed Test to test my site speed to see if any new optimizations are doing any good. One thing that’s got me confused is that I’m getting ZERO on the “Parallelize downloads across hostnames” section (normally scoring 100 on that). I contacted my host, and they said it’s the w3 plugin causing this issue, so they disabled it. Things went back to normal.

    Well, it re-enabled it, tested and things seemed fine for at least 12 hours and now the score is back to zero. I am running cloudflare, which was re-enabled by my web host.

    My scores are all really good (83 – 100 on all other scores), except for the parallelize score.

    Anyone else experience this recently? Should I be looking at some other setting somewhere to correct this problem?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • “Parallelize downloads across hostnames” is easily fixable by creating a subdomain and pointing upload folder to that new subdomain. lot of articles on Internet. please search .

    Thread Starter VeganOstomy


    Thanks laliz. I never had to do this before, and my score for “Parallelize downloads across hostnames” was always 100 – something changed recently and my host believes it’s the w3 plugin (which I highly doubt as I haven’t seen others complain of this).

    I’m aware of the subdomain implementation, but I’d rather find out what caused things to go out of whack.

    i was under impression that with cloudflare you shoudnt have this issue, just checked few website i have on cloudflare, strangely they are displaying same recommendation.

    had ditched w3 plugin long time ago due to errors, i am sure you are missing some configuration options there, as my other website with wp super cache dont display this recommendation.for a change you can give it a shot too.

    Thread Starter VeganOstomy


    just checked few website i have on cloudflare, strangely they are displaying same recommendation.

    I wonder if I should ask Cloudflare if this is an issue on their end.

    I might give wp super cache a try too. Thanks!

    yups, because as i understand cloudflare should act as a CDN and load our images and CS/JS files so that website loads faster.

    Thread Starter VeganOstomy


    FYI: Cloudflare said it’s not a problem on their end. I’m so confused as to why this would just come out of nowhere.

    enable caching and try again.

    road to perfect score is not easy ??

    Thread Starter VeganOstomy


    I’m getting a 97% and 94% on GTMetrix, but the pingdom scores are tanking only because of the “Parallelize downloads across hostnames”. LOL I can’t help my OCD, but this is crazy.

    yups, gtmetrix is lenient.

    also you could have got it fixed in ten minutes by utilizing a subdomain.

    Thread Starter VeganOstomy


    I’m trying to find out of vaultpress will backup my files if I put images on a subdomain… waiting for confirmation.

    I also read that mobile browsers take a hit when running subdomains (domain sharding). Not sure I want to do that, since most of my traffic comes from mobile.

    didnt know about mobile browsers taking a hit due to subdomain. any article mentioning it.

    did you ran your website through page speed?

    Thread Starter VeganOstomy



    An oldish article, so I’m not sure if it’s relevant.

    The google pagespeed insights gives me 52/100 for mobile (up from around 30), but the suggestions make no sense as I’m already implementing most of those “fixes” (i.e. minify, browser caching, image optimization, etc.). I score 96/100 on user experience, so that’s probably a good thing.

    google is recommending us for resources which are not even on our website. useless recommendations.

    user experience score for mobile is excellent.



    After some time researching this issue to implement parallelize downloads across hostnames on my website I came up with a hack for functions.php — kindly check this gist > https://gist.github.com/leowebdev/dab3e498e68917fb2938 and let me know if this would help you.

    Thread Starter VeganOstomy


    Thanks @leowebdev. After all these months, I’ve changed quite a bit on my backend, and I’m also running a different cache plugin (WP Rocket) and only run Cloudflare on the most basic settings. My page scores are high, and I’m satisfied with the performance – having seen the “parallelize downloads across hostnames” come up as a problem in recent tests, so I’m not going to worry so much about it now. .

    I’d be interested to know if your functions.php hack helps others.

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