Why does it have to be so bloody difficult
I would love to use wordpress, but the installation is not easy as it does not work. I have tried everything it has recommended, everything the forums have recommended, my host is set up correctly.
With Safari I get a blank page, With IE8 I get the dang download box that keeps flashing anytime I hit open on the download. This isn’t working, Please help.
Why can’t it be set up to install like any other program in the free world!
I apologize for my frustration, every time I see the statement saying that it is “so easy to install” I want to file a complaint because it is false advertising! If it was easy to install then it would install like any other program, go through the prompts hit the next button a couple times, done. That’s how it should be, that is what would make it easy.
Does your host provide mysql and PHP? Are they running? Have you uploaded the files to the right folder on your webhost?
What address are you keying into the address bar of your browsers?
If you’ve met all the requirements, then yes, it’s really as easy as going through the prompts and hitting next.
Have you tried it local on your machine?
easy install for windows: using XAMPP
easy install for mac: using MAMP1. get it in the right place (path in mamp/xampp)
2. create a database (mySQL), give rights, add user (note: remember passwords which you’ll need in the installer)
3. use your browser and go to corresponding path…
4. the wizard starts now…ps: There is a tutorial on this site running MAMP…
ps2: in the beginning it really is frustrating, till you figure it out…Hello, I may be in the same position, maybe even worse, because I downloaded the WordPress software program and when I went to open the wp-activate.php file it doesn’t open and I cannot find a program that will open this file. I do have a program named File Viewer that is installed but even then I do not know how to open this file with the File Viewer program. I am not even sure if I have a hosting service set up for this WordPress application. I know I have a hosting service for my website and I pay monthly for it, but I may be missing the steps to follow for getting a hosting service for this program. Is there anyone out there who can walk me through the steps in the simplest of terms? I barely know, “Come Here”, from, “Sic Em”, so please have patience with me. Thank you for your time and knowledge. Sincerely, Panchovilla. I can be emailed at: [redacted] Have a GREAT day!
You’ll be able to see error message instead of a blank page if you turn display_errors on for php, but I’m 99% sure you have set wrong database info in wp-config.php file. Contact your hosting support and ask them about database info (database name, database username and password, database server). They will provide these database details and you should check it with what you already have in wp-config.php file.
Or more simple, just ask support to install wordpress and then change password for admin account.
I wholeheartedly agree with the original comment. This site tells you at great and tedious length absolutely everything – except what you really need to know! I tried to download this “free” website/blog and find that I cannot find it , let alone access it. There are no clear instructions – unless you have spent the last 10 years at university studying computer science! It is written in technical jibberish that we are expected to understand.
WordPress came highly recommended, but I am deeply disappointed by its obscurity and non – tech user hostility.
Do you have any suggestions or shall I give up on open source software and return to Microsoft rubbish?
You guys seem to be trying to install this as a “programm” on your local computer. This is software that needs to run on a server where you host your website.
Besides you don’t install it as a windows program a la double click, next,next, done.
I’m sorry to say but here are your options:
a) find a hosting company that offers wordpress 1-click-installations and be happy.
b) read a little bit about what you are going to do: learn at least what PHP and MYSQL are, judging by your questions you haven’t even read the requirements for WordPress. You don’t have to get a degree or study but a little bit of patience and RTFM would help.
c) hire a developer/webdesigner to set up the site for you. You’ll pay but then at least you don’t have to read/learn anything.
d) Use a blogging service, i.e. get a blog at wordpress.com, its free. If you like it, you can upgrade and get your own domain. No worries, the hosting and the requirements are being taken care of.
Btw. I know you can install it locally too but judging from the questions these two guys posted above that would be way to complicated. If you don’t now what PHP and MYSQL are I wouldn’t recommend starting by running and configuring your own PHP and MYSQL services…
Besides if you click on DOWNLOAD, there is a link to download the software and one called: handy guide that links to this page: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Installing_WordPress
Please read that and if you still have question, we can resume the discussion right here in this thread.
I am surprised why they did not read what wordpress is and what it can be used for its all there in codex the link you just posted.
WordPress is not as difficult as you are making it, it is server program to create a website or blog and once learned how to use wordpress you will begin to love it how easy wordpress is to manage a website.
I know I was a little frustrated back there but that was also after two hours of trying to get this to work not quite the 5-minute install I was looking forward to. I told my host what was needed to make this work, he told me that it was good, gave me all of the DB information. I did everything the readme file told me to do. Now what is happening is that it is saying that I don’t have PHP installed or that it is turned off. I guess I don’t know what I can do at this point. I am not a computer illiterate I come from a IT background, I am not a stranger to mySQL but I have never truly used it to this extent.
How do I know if I have the right stuff on my computer to make this work. I tried to install PHP from the Microsoft Site. It errored out. I appreciate the link and I am in the process of reading over it. My host is my next door neighbor, but not so easy to get a hold of.
The deal is that I have seen WordPress, and usng the tool is easy. I guess I don’t understand at all what PHP is or how I use it.
You refer to your host, yet seem to indicate that you may be installing apps on your own pc. The applications need to be installed on your hosts server, where wordpress will reside, not your own pc. MySQL, and PHP are applications that need to be installed and properly configured on the server hosting the web space where you placed/uploaded your WordPress files. The only thing you need on your own pc to make wordpress work from the server it’s installed on, is a web browser and an ftp client.
I don’t understand at all what PHP is or how I use it
Php is a server language and most all linux servers will have php as that is main language used in linux as for a window server mostly use asp as main language so if you using window server then you need to check with host.
I would say that if you do not know how php works then you use wordpress as tool to create a website/blog and and learn how to use admin panel you do not need to know php.
I have video tutorial and article on my website on how to install a wamp server and install wordpress will show exactly how easy it is to install wordpress.
I have video tutorial on how to use admin panel on all the features and I can always help you if you do not understand any part.
We are all using computers may be a PC or Mac or any other system Do we all know what code is used to drive this programs even browser but we use it everyday as we learned how to use windows,browsers or any other program similarly wordpress just learn how to use the program.
Thank you so much for your offer to help. I’m beginning to think that I may have the wrong idea all along. The whole point of me wanting to use word press is to create a website. Am I looking in the wrong place? I will watch your video’s thanks again for your help.
You are welcome stay focused at creating website using wordpress and you will see lots videos on my website but the first step learning the basic.
No you aren’t looking in the wrong place, but to create a website you first need access to a web server.
If your neighbour is really keeping a computer turned on 24/7 with the necessary programs installed to function as a server, go ahead and upload the files to his computer with FTP and access them with your browser.
If not, you can pay for hosting, as has been previously suggested.
Or you can follow govpatel’s videos and install WAMP on your own computer to use that as a server. Doing this means that only you can see the site. You can set it up so others can view it too, but only if your computer is left running.
I still think you guys are on the wrong track. as stated a couple of times in this thread already, your PC only needs an FTP client, a zip programm and a web browser.
You do NOT create your website with wordpress locally and upload it to your server wordpress IS YOUR WEBSITE. You can change its behaviour and looks but ONLINE.I still think you guys are on the wrong track. as stated a couple of times in this thread already, your PC only needs an FTP client, a zip programm and a web browser.
You do NOT create your website with wordpress locally and upload it to your server wordpress IS YOUR WEBSITE. You can change its behaviour and looks but ONLINE.A newbie who has no knowledge about how a server works and want to learn how to use wordpress without paying for any hosting fees then Wamp server would be ideal as he will not be a paying a monthly fee to just learn how to use wordpress.
Wordpress will work same as if was on a host account.Once he has confidence and learned how to use server and wordpress then he can go online with host account.
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