ClaytonJames and s_ha_dum, I appreciate the help, Thanks!
I just changed the General Settings Site and WordPress Address section to localhost instead of the static local address of the server interface or the translated outside address configured on the firewall.
So the site still works locally.
When I first accessed the site remotely after making this change I got only the “It Works!” page and not my WordPress site. To solve this I changed the name of the index.html file in /var/www to paused_index.html. Now when I access my site from the public internet using the public translated address, the main WordPress page comes up successfully, but again…any navigation off the main page results in a “can’t connect” web page for https://localhost:5580/wp-login.php
s_ha_dum I did a source view of the working main page like you mentioned, and you are right it shows the exact information you put in the WordPress and Site Address section of the General Settings. I’ve included the output below.
I’m pretty sure I cant put the translated public address in the WordPress and Site Address section and still have the website work locally, that’s why I used localhost instead.
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