• Since the automatic upgrade feature came out, I’ve always hesitated using it as on my test sites (and live sites) it just takes too darn long to run. I can manually upgrade faster. It generally takes about 15 minutes to run the automatic upgrade. I thought this was normal until I started talking to other people who were running the upgrade and it seems like this is way out of line from what most people are experiencing.

    The server has plenty of power, and runs about 10 WP installations with over 100,000 page views per day. I have plenty of spare bandwidth, memory, CPU, etc. This really doesn’t seem like a resource issue.

    There is nothing strange in my Apache logs related to the install– and the install goes through just fine. I just hate using the automatic upgrade feature because it takes too long.

    While my Apache logs didn’t indicate any issues, I noticed in my FTP logs that it appears as if the upgrade isn’t simply downloading the zip, extracting it, and replacing files. Rather it looks like the incoming FTP connection is transferring over one file at a time, changing directories when done with one, then transferring over one new file at a time again.

    Looking through my FTP logs, I saw 1,453 “STOR” commands related to the WP upgrade. I would have expected there to be one, for the zip file and then all of the files would have been moved around after.

    Can anyone shed any light on why the upgrade is taking so long on my servers or any troubleshooting steps I can take?

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  • that is strange behavior
    my upgrades take like 30 seconds at most
    host’s ftp server?

    Thread Starter tflight


    I’m using wu-FTPd on the server.

    Thread Starter tflight


    Is there a chance that the upgrade script is checking something out when it connects via FTP, not liking what it sees, and proceeding to download individual files rather than the zip archive?

    Thread Starter tflight


    Does anyone know if there is a point in the code where it checks the server capabilities… like PHP extensions or available FTP commands? I’d be curious to see if it isn’t finding some sort of FTP command or FTP extension and then starts taking a longer approach to retrieve the files.

    The upgrade goes through fine eventually, but I can upgrade manually faster than the automatic method and I’d much rather use the automatic method.

    I just set my dozen blogs up with Subversion (SVN). I’m not good using shell but SVN absolutely rocks. You may want to use that instead of the auto upgrade feature.

    Why bother with one-click upgrades that can take up to 30 seconds (or longer in some cases) when you can upgrade with SVN in 10 seconds with less hassle?

    Thread Starter tflight


    My clients would like to be able to click the button themselves, when they are ready to upgrade. I don’t want to teach them how to use SVN. They see the upgrade button, and they want to use it.

    Thread Starter tflight


    Anyone know of somewhere in the code I can take a look or run some diagnostics?

    Thread Starter tflight


    okay, has anyone heard of this before from others?

    I have been waiting for over an hour for my WPMU upgrade to finish ??

    A few months back, my internet connection had broken while upgrading, and I panicked as I wasn’t able to login to the site (don’t remember how I resolved that.)

    And again, while thinking of something else, I did a stupid thing and pressed that button, I know I had decided not to do that again.

    Let’s hope this will end soon…

    Mine takes well over an hour, and I watch a blank screen while this happens. Once I stopped it after 10 minutes, after reading how others talked about their 30- to 60-second upgrades, only to have my entire site corrupted, and I had to load up WordPress from scratch. I now allow an hour minimum per site. Like the original poster, resources are not the issue.

    Electric Studio


    Yes i do have the same problem
    when this feature was introduced in wordpress 2.7, the automatic update was instantaneous for me. But from 2.8, it takes a lots of time to upgrade wordpress installation. Automatic update for plugins also takes a long and some times fails
    did not found any solution yet ??

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