Don’t worry, i had same issue, and somehow managed to overcome it.
Maybe i can help you with installation.
There is more than one way to install wordpress.
You can install wp via Cpanel provided by host.
In “My Sql” you need to create database and user (password as well), then assign user to database.
After you finished that go to File manager, on the left hand side find public_html. Once you have done that just simply upload wordpress zip file. Last step is to unzip file into public_html.
Now just go to you’re web site and there should be WordPress installation screen. Just follow the instructions and ABRAKADABRA you have a website ??
Second way is by using FTP server such as FilleZilla etc.
Download program, install it on you’re PC/MAC enter needed information into program so it can establish connection with the host.
Download zipfille WordPress,unzip it and here is a fun part. You need to find wp-config.php and open it with Text editor. You need to manually enter database name, user name and password you have created in Cpanel. Click save.
Once you have finished just upload all unzipped files into public_html and grab a cup of coffee.
Now just go to you’re web site and there should be WordPress installation screen. Just follow the instructions and ABRAKADABRA you have a website ??
Hope this was helpful, and let me know if you get stuck somewhere.